5 ways Flighty makes travel easier

Flighty – Live Flight Tracker

World's Fastest Delay Alerts


Here’s the plane truth: Flighty does it all.

Part flight tracker, part travel companion and part predictor of the future, this first-class travel app comes in handy during every step of your journey. And it does so with beautiful visuals, neat little effects (such as the familiar notification sound) and features that will appeal both to hardcore avgeeks and your tech-novice parents.

Here are five things Flighty can do to make your travel a little easier.

Import your flight information with ease

There are three ways to get your flights into Flighty: forward your travel confirmation email, connect your TripIt account or sync with your Calendar. (That last method is especially handy for making sure your flight stats are properly updated – more on that later.)

Want to know the date of your plane’s inaugural flight? Flighty can tell you.

Find out where your plane is

Flighty’s Where’s My Plane feature offers a peek behind the air-traffic curtain. To get the location of your next ride, tap your imported flight and scroll down to “Where’s My Plane?” There you’ll see the myriad cities your plane visited before scooping you up. (Scroll down further to find its age, first flight, tail number, range and cruising speed.) Flighty can even ping you when your pilot files your flight plan, which is just cool.

You’re up next.

Get ready for take-off

Flighty offers a whole new look into your departure: you can follow your taxi path to the runway, check out the flights circling above you and see where you are in the take-off line.

The app’s handy terminal maps show you where you need to walk (or sprint) to make your next flight.

Make your connection

Got a super-short layover? The minute you land (and switch off airplane mode, of course), Flighty will send you a notification with your arrival and departure gates – especially handy if you’re short on time. Flighty’s terminal maps even label each gate, so you can figure out your walking/sprinting path.

Automate your travel journal

Flighty keeps the data on all your past flights, everything from number of annual trips to the miles you’ve flown in your lifetime. Bonus: At the end of every year, it’ll serve up a spiffy annual report you can (of course) share with your friends.