DocHub: Simple PDF Form Editor 4+


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Miêu tả

Get your PDFs done anytime, anywhere. DocHub’s free mobile app makes it easy to add, edit, sign, fill out, and share PDFs, no matter your location. Send documents for eSignature and track document changes in real-time straight from your mobile device.

Add documents in a snap
Stay productive wherever you go. With the DocHub app, you can access your documents from your mobile device. Open existing PDFs, upload new files or their photos, or snap a picture of your document in seconds.

Sign and request signatures with a few taps
Forget the hassle of printing, scanning, and waiting for sign-offs. With the DocHub mobile app, gathering eSignatures is a breeze. Just pick your document, assign recipients and their signing sequence, and tap Send. Your recipients will receive a link to the document via email, allowing them to sign it from any device. You'll get a push notification in your DocHub dashboard and an email alert with a link to your finalized document.

Edit documents from anywhere
Get more documents done by editing PDFs from your smartphone. Add text, images, and comments. Highlight, white out, or strike through details as needed. Adjust your document to your liking by adding or rotating pages. Once you're done with the changes, share your document or save it to your mobile device in a few taps.

Create PDF forms and reusable templates
With the DocHub mobile app, you can create fillable forms from anywhere and get them completed by others. Easily add fields for signatures, text, dates, and initials, adjust their position, or delete them if needed. You can make your form public or create a secure share link to let others fill and sign your PDF form. If a document is frequently used, save time by making it a reusable template. Once completed, you can view every copy via the master template right from your mobile device.

Collaborate and share
Ensure your team's productivity remains uninterrupted, regardless of their location. Grant user permissions to enable others to view or modify your document from any device.

Keep track of documents from anywhere
Whether you're commuting, traveling, or simply taking a break, DocHub's push and email notifications help you stay in the know on the status of your documents and forms. You can also view a detailed activity log for each of your documents straight from your mobile device.

Stay secure no matter your location
DocHub keeps your documents safe with end-to-end encryption and biometric authentication so you can work from anywhere with confidence.

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Có gì Mới

Phiên bản 1.0.9

Various bug fixes and improvements.

Quyền Riêng Tư Của Ứng Dụng

Nhà phát triển, DocHub, đã cho biết rằng phương thức đảm bảo quyền riêng tư của ứng dụng có thể bao gồm việc xử lý dữ liệu như được mô tả ở bên dưới. Để biết thêm thông tin, hãy xem chính sách quyền riêng tư của nhà phát triển.

Dữ Liệu Liên Kết Với Bạn

Dữ liệu sau đây có thể được thu thập và liên kết với danh tính của bạn:

  • Vị Trí
  • Thông Tin Liên Hệ
  • Nội Dung Của Người Dùng
  • Mã Định Danh
  • Dữ Liệu Sử Dụng
  • Chẩn Đoán

Phương thức đảm bảo quyền riêng tư có thể khác nhau, chẳng hạn như dựa trên các tính năng bạn sử dụng hoặc độ tuổi của bạn. Tìm hiểu thêm.

Có Thể Bạn Cũng Thích

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