Bringing legends to life

Learn more about Southeast Asian heroes in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang.

Mobile Legends: Bang Bang FT


A region steeped in ancient mythologies, rich history and vibrant cultures, Southeast Asia has inspired numerous artists, writers and film-makers over the years.

No wonder then, that the developers of the renowned MOBA game Mobile Legends: Bang Bang (MLBB) listened to their Southeast Asian fans to come up with ideas for new in-game heroes, referred to the region’s mythologies and history, designed heroes according to their cultural backgrounds and kept asking for fan feedback until completion. The result is a solid roster of Southeast Asian heroes, spanning different cultures and countries.

Join us on a little adventure, as we explore how real-life legends have been translated into Mobile Legends.


The fighter hero Minsitthar was inspired by Kyansittha, one of the greatest kings of the ancient Pagan Empire in Burma (modern-day Myanmar). An accomplished general whose name can mean “the last one standing”, Kyansittha went on to become king and brought peace to Burma, developing Burmese culture and building magnificent temples during his reign.

In MLBB, Minsitthar is a great team player whose passive skill helps everyone earn more gold from kills. He also has serious crowd control capability: his spear can pull enemies towards him, while his shield can stun and knock back foes. His ultimate skill summons four mighty warriors to the field – perhaps an allusion to Kyansittha being among the Four Generals of the Pagan Empire.


In Malay legends, Badang is a fisherman-turned-hero who lived in the ancient Kingdom of Singapura. He is famous for his astounding strength and various feats, such as pushing a ship into water after 300 people had failed before him, or throwing a huge boulder from a hilltop into the mouth of the Singapore River. A stone fragment commonly associated with the latter is now considered a national treasure of Singapore.

In the game, Badang’s strength is evident from his muscular design and hard-hitting skills. His basic attacks can knock back and stun enemies, while his Fist Break skill creates a stone wall that traps enemies, leaving them exposed to a massive flurry of punches from his other skills.


Considered to be the first Filipino national hero, Lapu-Lapu was a tribal chief who resisted early Spanish colonisation. Today, his imagery adorns the insignia of the Philippine National Police and the Bureau of Fire Protection.

A powerful fighter hero with dual blades, MLBB’s Lapu-Lapu thrives on continuous offence. His basic attacks and Justice Blade skill build up his Bravery Blessing stack, eventually resulting in a deadly strike that also gives him a shield. The Brave Stance skill helps Lapu-Lapu pursue enemies, while his ultimate skill lets him combine two blades into one to become even stronger.


The goddess Kadita (also known as Nyi Roro Kidul) is part of the Sundanese and Javanese mythologies in Indonesia. A princess who jumped into the sea to escape a curse of black magic, Kadita gained supernatural powers and became the beautiful mermaid Queen of the Southern Sea.

In MLBB, Kadita can summon mighty waves and wreak havoc on the battlefield. Though she is a mage, her Ocean Oddity skill lets Kadita charge into enemy lines and return safely. Meanwhile, both Breath of the Ocean and Rough Waves deal massive damage and impair enemy movements.


An important character in the Sanskrit epic of Mahabharata, Gatotkaca (also spelled as Ghatotkacha) was a mighty warrior who also wielded powerful magic. In Indonesia, he has become part of Javanese folklore and is a popular character in the shadow puppet art of wayang. 

The version of Gatotkaca in the game is heavily inspired by his portrayal in wayang, as he wears the formidable Antakusuma armour and the Brajamusti-Brajadenta gauntlets, which are powered by the spirits of his slain foes. A mighty tank hero, Gatotkaca can heal himself and boost his defence, alongside a set of skills that can slow enemies, taunt them to attack him or knock them into the air.