A fruity foray

Fight for control of the food chain in Juicy Realm.

Juicy Realm

Shoot the FRUITS up!


Wacky weapons, haphazard mazes, eccentric heroes, unpredictable monsters and mysterious bosses – roguelike game Juicy Realm has it all, and then some.

We’re talking hand-drawn cartoon aesthetics and a twisted plotline where humans are desperately battling for survival against… fruit.

Think you’ve got what it takes to fend off these menacing five-a-day?

You’ll face down monstrosities like machete-wielding watermelons, armoured lychees, bomb-strapped avocados and other fruity oddities. Fight back with keyboards, wands and banana skins among other (more useful) arsenal and make a meal of it!

Traverse tricky terrain to wage war against your fruity foes.

Be on the lookout for new weapons, and experiment with characters and their different skillsets. You may want to warm up with the Boxer – she packs quite the punch and carries a healing potion that restores health – handy for dodging permadeath by fruit.

An additional exclusive character also awaits on the Juicy Realm mobile version. Her dual-weapon attack powers will no doubt make your conquest more fruitful.

Join the peculiar fray and get humans back on top of the food chain!