ONE PUNCH MAN: The Strongest is a must-play for fans of the hit anime.

One Punch Man: The Strongest


Playing this stylish squad battle game is the closest most of us will come to starring in our own anime movie. The animation is authentically detailed, the soundtrack is catchy and the dialogue even comes in Japanese – subtitled, of course

Quirky, fierce and lots of fun, ONE PUNCH MAN: The Strongest is based on the popular web comic series from Japanese creator One. Saitama is the titular hero, a man who possesses the ability to win any fight with a single punch. Alas, his state of near-omnipotence has left him bored, constantly searching for new excitement as he defeats every villain he faces.

You manage a team of disparate heroes in a futuristic city in Saitama’s universe, each with their own strengths, weaknesses and special moves. There are different objectives to complete in each stage (rescuing hostages, for example), but your main mission is defeating a rogues’ gallery of bad guys boasting some seriously freaky Bosses.

These aren’t the conventional supervillains you’re used to in Hollywood movies – as a rule they’re weird, a bit sadistic and capable of delivering their own unique brand of trash talk. Between the action, you’re treated to entertaining scenes detailing the backstory of One-Punch Man’s world.

Beyond the main game stages, you can recruit new members to your team – the randomness of the selection process keeps things interesting – as well as picking up upgrades and getting into fights in the (unlockable) Arena. If you’re an anime fan, it’s pretty close to heaven.