Create unique artwork on your device with Kaku2.

KAKU² - Funny Shape Play

Playable shape art


Artistic masterpieces can come from the most unexpected of places. With Kaku2, that place is your device and your imagination. Here, your screen is your canvas and your finger, your paintbrush!

Open the app and you’ll see a single-colour canvas that fills the screen. Tap it and a shape will appear. Tap again and another, slightly different one will pop up. Keep tapping the screen in various places to create all sorts of colourful, straight-edged shapes – watch as triangles, squares and hexagons emerge alongside one another like pretty pieces of stained glass.

You can change the colour of the shapes you’ve made, or add patterns such as dots, stripes and zigzags to them. Want to create little characters? Why not! You can add eyes, mouths and noses to make faces or stalks to finish off fruit.

Once you’re happy with your creation, choose to save it and set it as your wallpaper or share it on your social networks – then get started on your next masterpiece.

Adults and kids alike will love Kaku2 – it’s all the fun of creating real-life art without the hassle of the post-paint clean-up.