It’s never been easier to shoot an award-worthy movie on your iPhone or iPad. Just follow the classic tenets of film-making: start with the right script, film each shot with care and pull it all together in editing. For Hollywood productions this can require a massive cast and crew, but these apps let you do more on your own while staying on budget.
A great film starts with great inspiration – not to mention meticulous prep and planning. These apps help you script and storyboard with ease.
› The pros’ go-to tool for writing and formatting screenplays.
› Automatically turns your back-of-the-napkin scrawl into a screenplay.
› An elegant blank notebook ideal for jotting down ideas and sketching out storyboarding.
› Browse and read screenplays of major motion pictures for research and inspiration.
On set
You may not have the luxury of a full production crew, but these apps let you wear multiple hats on set, whether as director, cinematographer, producer or script supervisor. (You’ll still need actors, though.)
› A best-in-class pro-level video camera app that was used to shoot the indie Sundance hit Tangerine.
› Reach for this vintage camera when you want a retro look. Used to film some scenes of the Oscar-winning documentary Searching for Sugar Man.
› Reproduces different camera types, aspect ratios and lens combos to help you set up shots and block scenes.
› Simulates how sunlight and shadows will fall at a specific time and location so you can plan the optimal shot.
› A virtual clapboard and shot log.
Whether you’re editing scenes or dropping in a VFX fighter jet, these apps bring the magic together onscreen.
› Turn home videos into beautiful movies and Hollywood-style trailers.
› Blockbuster film VFX made simple, developed by J.J. Abrams’ production company.
› A mobile video-editing tool that offers nearly as much power and flexibility as pro desktop editing apps.
› A collaborative editing platform and workflow for professional post-production teams.