Unlock YouTube’s hidden features

Enhance your online video sessions.

YouTube: Watch, Listen, Stream

Videos, Music and Live Streams


If you can tear yourself away from YouTube’s endless array of cat clips and viral sensations, you’ll find the internet’s portal to video bliss has a number of cool features you didn’t know existed.

These features will make your next binge session more enjoyable, entertaining and engaging. You don't even have to watch a YouTube tutorial to find out how, just follow these handy tips.

Ensure a quality stream

There’s an easy way to improve the quality of your desired videos – simply tap the three dot menu icon in the upper right corner then press Quality. Here you can tweak the video quality, ramping it up to 720p, 1080p or wherever the individual video caps out.

Depending on the video, image quality options will vary.

Hide your history

We know this is the hidden feature you were really hoping to find. For all the YouTube videos you proudly share with friends there are others you’d rather people didn’t know you’ve been watching. Fortunately you can hide the embarrassing evidence, if you know where to look.

To start, press the Settings button found by tapping on your account icon in the top right corner.
Next tap Clear watch history. Be warned though, while your friends will now never know just how many Taylor Swift videos you’ve been watching, clearing your history will reset your video recommendations. So, how embarrassed are you, really?

Rewind the easy way

We’ve all experienced trying to rewind a YouTube video, clumsily dragging our finger across the play bar, accidentally jumping back four minutes rather than four seconds. There is an easier way: while watching a video, double tapping the left side of the screen will instantly jump the video back 10 seconds, letting you relive that crucial moment.

Want to fast forward? Just double tap the right side of the play window to move forward 10 seconds. You can customise this skip time, too, by tapping Settings > Double-tap to seek and picking anywhere between 5 and 60 seconds.

Go family-friendly

There are some videos that it would be unwise to accidentally share with the household. So it’s best to remove the chance of this happening by tapping Settings > Restricted Mode and flicking the slider across to the on position. This will remove videos that have been flagged for inappropriate content.

Slow things down

Whether you’re wanting to relive the impact of an #EpicFail classic or make that handy tutorial video even easier to follow, slowing down a video can be a big help. It’s surprisingly easy, too.

Tap the three dot menu button in the top right corner of the video then press Playback speed.
Here you can choose to slow your slip to quarter, half or three quarter speed, or, if you’re tiring of the action, crank it up to double pace.