Boost Your Energy Levels

And overhaul your daily life with these four simple steps.

Yawn. Sorry, we’re happy to see you—honestly! We’re just exhausted.

If, like us, you find your energy levels dwindling and in need of a revitalizing boost come early afternoon, double-espresso drinks and lazy evenings curled up on the sofa aren’t the only remedies. Introduce these apps to your life and the small daily changes they incite can add up to big energy-boosting improvements.

Sleep Better

When looking to boost your energy levels, how well you’re sleeping is a sensible place to start. This doesn’t just mean how long you’re spending in the land of nod, but the quality of sleep you’re getting on your nightly visits there. And that’s exactly what Sleep Cycle tracks.

See not just how much sleep you’ve had but the quality of sleep you’ve had with Sleep Cycle.

Launch the app, lay your iPhone on your nightstand, and the app will use clever algorithms to determine the state you’re in at any point—light sleep, deep sleep, or awake. By graphing your nightly rest—or lack thereof—the app will show you any deficiencies in your sleep. Meanwhile, its smart alarm feature rouses you only when you’re in light sleep, ensuring you start your day feeling more energized.

Eat Better

Tweak your diet slightly and you’ll see that day-long lethargy replaced by flowing energy. Helping you substitute sugar crashes with salmon-based pick me ups, Lifesum pairs a catalogue of delicious yet healthy recipes with the option for custom meal plans.

Balance your diet and improve your energy levels with Lifesum.

By knowing what, and when, you should be eating, you can better avoid the temptation of energy-sapping foods and maintain balanced energy levels throughout the day. And with the app offering nutritional breakdowns of your daily intake, it’s easier to level your input with your exercise-based output.

Exercise Better

It might sound counterintuitive, but exercising really does give you an energy boost. 8fit helps you maximize these uplifting sessions by training in a way that suits you, and it offers personalized workouts tailored to your abilities and overall goals.

Exercise can up your energy levels as well as deplete them.

From heart-rate-raising HIIT sessions to fat-burning activities, 8fit curates plans that fit within your limited free time—all its workouts run between 15 and 20 minutes. As well as giving you an energy boost without running your reserves dry, the app walks you through each exercise with handy step-by-step video guides.

Relax Better

Relaxing isn’t just a case of putting your feet up and scrolling through Instagram. To truly relax, you need to switch off thoughts of that looming work deadline or of all the ever-present life admin you’ve been putting off. Here, Calm can help you adopt a more zen-like mindset.

Clear your mind and reduce your stress levels with Calm.

Filled with guided meditations and breathing exercises to help you decompress after a long, stressful day, Calm will help you clear your mind and relax properly. The app even comes with a range of soothing sleep stories to help you drift off and repeat the whole energy-improving process all over again.