Urban is your pocket-sized self-care planner.

Massage at home | Urban

Book mobile massage & beauty


Conjuring your very own self-care fairy godparent sounds like a wonderful dream you once had. In fact, it’s easy IRL with Urban, a treatments-booking platform that can summon an expert to your house, any time between 8am and midnight, in just a few taps.

Create an account with your home address, then you’re free to surf the professionals near you (the app currently operates in London, Birmingham and Manchester). Urban can sort you out with a massage or a facial, a manicure or an osteopath.

Treatments start at a very reasonable £32, and all the professionals are properly vetted, with their own comprehensive profiles that include star ratings to make it easy to find the right one for you.

Urban helps you book treatments with nearby professionals.

If you simply fancy a bit of pampering, there’s also a lucky dip selection of special treatments and offers curated by Urban’s team – check out the tab to see what’s on offer.

The next part’s even easier. Your practitioner will pop up at your house with all the equipment they need, leaving you free to relax. Payment is all done through the app on a secure payment platform, so that’s another load off your mind.

And there’s also a gifting section: if you know a pal going through a tough time, then you can send them a wellness treat inside the app.

Just count to zen.