城巴 Citybus 4+


Bravo Transport Services Limited

    • 免費



1. 實時抵站時間查詢功能,顯示巴士行車狀況

- 提供未來60分鐘內最近三個班次的抵站時間,包括所有城巴路線,以及由資料一線通提供的九巴、龍運、新大嶼山巴士、港鐵巴士及專線小巴路線的抵站時間。
- 城巴路線獨家顯示行駛中巴士與所選巴士站的實時距離,及於行車受阻或巴士未能繼續行程時作出額外標示,讓您更易掌握實時行車狀況
- 可自行設定以「倒數分鐘」或「抵站時分」方式顯示抵站時間

2. 附近路線搜尋,一覽附近所有專營巴士和專線小巴路線的抵站時間
- 顯示目前或自選位置400米內的所有路線、下一班車抵站時間和最近巴士站位置
- 已加入書籤或曾查閱的路線,會在列表中先顯示
- 您可以在書籤和歷程頁面,管理已加入書籤或曾經查閱的路線

3. 透過地圖,查看附近所有巴士站
- 點選地圖上的巴士站後,即可顯示該站所有路線和下一班車抵站時間

4. 強大書籤功能,主動推播路線最新消息
- 將路線與巴士站加入書籤後,在書籤頁面可以直接顯示下一班車抵站時間,您更可以自由排列顯示次序
- 開啟推播功能後,當已加入書籤的路線與巴士站有新通告或突發交通安排時,即時接收推播通知
- 將地點加入書籤或自訂起點終點,可以迅速地進行附近巴士站和點對點路線搜尋

5. 按目的地查閱抵站時間
- 系統會自動根據乘客所選擇目的地及所在位置,建議直達的城巴路線及顯示最近巴士站的預計抵站時間
- 若沒有直達路線,系統會建議前往目的地的城巴路線組合。

6. 智能點對點路線搜尋
- 只需自訂出發日期及時間,系統會提供搜尋時段中最快、最便宜或最短步程之城巴路線
- 根據編定班次、行車統計數據、預計抵站時間和步行時間等計算全程時間,並提供上車站和轉車站的預定班次抵站時間
- 顯示的車費總額為八達通成人收費,已包括八達通票價優惠或轉乘優惠

7. 落車提示
- 兩階段式落車提示,提供「快將到站提示」及「到達提示」。
- 巴士行駛中,沿途更新您所在位置,您可預設最多10個落車提示,到站後提示會自動在畫面刪除,準確到達目的地萬無一失

8. 最新交通消息
- 提供運輸署及城巴的即時交通消息

9. 車費優惠
- 只需一鍵即可前往城巴車費優惠專頁,查看我們提供的多項巴士轉乘和車費優惠

- 自動搜尋附近路線和巴士站功能,需要使用手機定位功能。

- 使用落車提示時,手機程式需長時間使用手機定位功能,有可能縮短電池使用時間。

- 實時抵站時間、落車提示和點對點搜尋結果只供參考之用,或會因應交通情況更改而不另行通知。


版本 4.4.4



1.4 滿分 5 粒星
6,390 個評分

6,390 個評分


An App that develops backwards in time

As many of the reviews have already suggested that this app is poorly developed, in particular after its latest update claiming to fix bugs.

This is one of the few apps if not the only that has developed backwards in time. It being undeveloped is an understatement. Being a monopoly in providing real time service to the mass, it should fulfil its purpose i.e. to develop an app where users can actually check real time of bus arrivals.

I understand that ads are a huge source of income for app developers and providers, but please get your basics right before you attempt anything fancy or promote ads. Right now the app just lags and freezes after closing the ad. This has nothing to do with hardware issues (I can guarantee that). If this continues, you will lose all your end users and eventually companies that are currently paying you for ads.

Inni Chung

Advertisers please read - this is a very poor app

I know you have no competitors, we must use your app if we want to check arrival info of Citybus which I have to take to commute every day - that doesn’t mean you can do however badly you want and totally ignore user experience!
1. Poor performance - often takes long time to load, always quit, particularly annoying when you try to catch a bus in a hurry
2. BLOCKING ADS - what the X? You are a public serving company, why are you so hungry for money? Even you want to sell as space, it doesn’t have to be full page splash ads right? By doing so you are not helping your clients, cuz users will build up negative impressions only! And why give priority to loading ads rather than arrival info? Which one do you think is more urgent for users?

Deeply disappointing, please enhance ASAP!!

Carson ksk

Pop up ads that really POP UP full screen

I do understand as a company, source of income is very important and this app is almost monopoly. Ads is fine with me but what is not fine is that as a transport information app, how can you make a pop up ads that pop up (full screen) and even worse it crush right after! Think about the people who are finishing work after whole day and was desperate to get on a bus to go home. When these people was rushing and check on the bus app, and it pop up a ads and crush. Even just pop up full screen ads is so annoying. I suggest that cancel pop up full screen ads and leave the small ads at the bottom, since your company is making enough money through all ads you have got on bus, apps. Thank you.

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