Goodnotes 6 4+


Goodnotes Limited

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用 Goodntoes 取代你的紙質筆記簿,重塑電子筆記體驗。Goodnotes 6 隆重登場!

* Goodnotes 現有用戶可以繼續使用 Goodnotes 5,或者選擇升級至 Goodnotes 6。不論您如何選擇,您的珍貴筆記都會安全無恙!

■ 在同一頁面上手寫和輸入文字,與圖像、貼紙、圖表和塗鴉結合起來。
■ 採用自訂紙張範本,包括白紙、格線紙、康奈爾紙、核對清單、計劃表等,建立電子筆記簿。
■ 瀏覽長篇文件,輕鬆簡單。自動匯入 PDF 內容表;或自行創建自訂大綱。
■ 將您所有筆記備份至 Google Drive、Dropbox 或 OneDrive,並使用 iCloud 在 iPad、
iPhone 和 Mac 之間同步,令您的筆記時刻安全無恙。
■ 您可以隨意修改手寫內容,改變大小、移動或更改顏色,使筆記呈現最完美的樣貌。

■ 語音錄製筆記在您書寫時瞬間進行同步,是講課或簡報的完美之選。
■ 所有課程的所有筆記,一下就搜索到。
■ 使用學習卡組直接透過筆記進行學習與練習 — 抽認卡以主動回憶與間隔重複為構建基礎。
■ 使用人工智能總結、縮短或改變文字語調等多種方式,讓您輸入的文章更顯精湛。

■ 自訂紙張範本的大小和顏色,建立所需的範本。
■ 新增、建立或匯入標貼、印章、紙膠帶及圖像等,以便不斷重複使用。

■ 透過 AirPlay 或 HDMI 將裝置連接至外部屏幕時,可使用 Goodnotes 直接展示您的筆記、幻燈片和內容。
■ 在簡報過程中使用 iPad 上的激光筆,引導觀眾的注意力。
■ 以 PDF 檔案形式,將筆記匯出至電郵、進行列印,或隨時隨地分享。
■ 分享筆記簿的連結,直接共同編修,以便分工合作和集思廣益。
■ 把檔案電郵至您自訂的 Goodnotes 電子郵件地址以匯入檔案。

只需一本紙質筆記簿的價錢,即可無限量使用電子筆記簿,並全年無休的支援備份、跨設備同步及搜尋。立即試用 Goodnotes。

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版本 6.6.18

- Hovering over options in the toolbar now brings up helpful tooltips
- Improved Apple Intelligence Image Playground support, enabling you to lasso visual elements in your documents and add them directly to Image Playground
- Easier library organization: You can now drag and drop documents and folders between different Goodnotes windows
- General bug fixes and user experience improvements


4.7 滿分 5 粒星
6,685 個評分

6,685 個評分


這款數碼記事簿和 PDF 標記工具涵蓋一切基本所需,讓你使用鍵盤或 Apple Pencil 輕鬆製作筆記。這個 App 可修飾你手繪的形狀,甚至能將你的手寫內容轉換為文字。

CKY Louie

Good for student learning

I use Goodnotes for 2 years and have easy and comfortable experience but upgraded to version 5 to 6 seem have a little bit problem. I mean using Goodnotes 6
1) typing: when I type and want to make the words larger, words become broken and can’t show in text box entirely. It can only show the lower part of the words. However, it can be fixed be changing pages or restart Goodnotes
2) can’t paste screen capture: Goodnotes 5 can paste screenshots in text box but now can’t. Even Goodnotes ask for the permission to paste the screenshots and I click allow or don’t allow, screenshot can’t paste
The above situation is happen when I continue upload my notes to drive, I don’t know isn’t it have connection with those error, but hope it can help developers to correct the bugs


Please spend more time on bug fixing

I have been using Goodnotes for more than 4 years. The reason why I chose it instead of other note taking app is because of the clear folder system and simplifity the app gave to me. I like the app very much. However, there are some issues lasted for a long long time that Goodnote still not yet fixed. For example, I am pleased that Goodnote finally has the voice recording function. But then, the user experience is not as smooth as I thought it should be. Even entering the new era of Goodnote 6, we still can't rename the audio. It often retracts to the beginning when I try to drag the timeline. Ok! then i use the forward 10s function, but the problem getting even worse. It become irresponsive. I have no choice but have to restart the app. Besides, sometimes, my hand written word disappeared when I play the audio which made me hard to follow and felt annoyed. More importantly, it also freeze during playback. That is crazy.
I hope these problem can be fixed soon. For example, please allow us to click on the word for directly the audio so that it will be more intuitive to use.
Coming to Goodnote 6, I paid once again with a high expectation. I don't think the new features such as AI math calculation worth the money I spend. Instead, please spend more time on bug fixing and system optimization.
An app known to great only when it can provide a seamless and smooth user experience but not some fancy function. Those are just a bonus.

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    啟用「家人共享」後,部分 App 內購買項目(包括訂閱項目)可與家庭群組共享。


自由筆記:無邊際筆記,PDF 註解,手賬,手繪記事本
Nebo: AI學習筆記
笔记, 笔记本, PDF - Notes Writer