多鄰國 - 極速學外‪語‬ 4+



專為 iPad 設計

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用全球最多人下載嘅教育程式學種新語言!多鄰國好玩過癮又免費,多鄰國好玩過癮又免費,超過 40 種語言任你揀,輕鬆玩吓小單元就可以學識!聽寫讀講樣樣齊,幫你強化詞彙量同文法。



• 學習好玩又高效。同多鄰國嘅得意角色一齊闖關,學好聽寫讀講!

• 學習成效高。多鄰國由一班語言專家以科學教學方法打造,每種語言保證學一次、用一世!

• 學習進度全面掌握。日日做練習,贏盡獎賞同成就,向住語言學習嘅目標進發!

• 學習夥伴遍佈全球。同全球超過5億用戶一較高下,喺排行榜爭做最強語言達人!

• 學習費用全免。免費學識西班牙文、法文、德文、意大利文、俄文、葡萄牙文、土耳其文、荷蘭文、愛爾蘭文、丹麥文、瑞典文、烏克蘭文、世界語、波蘭文、希臘文、匈牙利文、挪威文、希伯來文、威爾斯文、阿拉伯文、拉丁文、夏威夷文、蘇格蘭蓋爾文、越南文、韓文、日文、英文,甚至仲有高等瓦雷利亞語!


「毫無疑問,多鄰國就係最好嘅語言學習程式。」 — 華爾街日報

「多鄰國嘅免費手機版同網頁版,係我試過學外語最有效嘅方法… 課程分為一個個小挑戰,包括口語、翻譯同選擇題,令我愛不釋手。」 — 紐約時報

「未來教育之門可能已經打開」 — 時代雜誌

「好玩、過癮、正!」 — 福布斯

「我哋最鍾意用嘅語言學習程式。」 — CNET

如果鍾意多鄰國,就立即免費試用 14 天 Super Duolingo 啦!無廣告、學習外語暢通無阻,仲可以享受好多會員福利,例如無限紅心同埋每月連勝戰績修復。

如果選擇訂購 Super Duolingo,訂購費用將通過你的 Apple 帳戶收取。在現有訂購期限結束前24小時內,續訂費用將同樣通過你的 Apple 帳戶收取。完成訂購後,你可隨時前往 App Store 中的設定,關閉自動續訂。如果在免費體驗期內訂購 Super Duolingo,任何免費體驗期內尚未使用的部分將被當作自動放棄。



版本 7.32.0



4.7 滿分 5 粒星
2.8万 個評分

2.8万 個評分


Helpful, fun and enjoyable! One of the best apps combining entertainment and education into one

This is a very entertaining education app and has helped me learn new, useful foreign languages with a wide array of choices. I am personally addicted to games (kind of) but this app has presented education and otherwise boring drills and exercises in a fun way (basically, a fun educational game). I hope that the Duolingo team can continue their great work in helping people learn foreign languages and developing a terrific game while incorporating all language skills into one, concise course! Although I am a bit annoyed by the amount of ads, I understand that you need to have a source of revenue and since it delivered the rewards as promised, I have to commend your no-scam attitude. The audio lessons are very nice and have high quality, while the ranking system provides an interesting way of pushing yourself and learning more (if you can)! I look forward to more updates and new features (including those that I haven't unlocked because I only started using the app recently).

Thank you so much for your work! Please know that your effort is appreciated from people all over the world, including myself, a Hong Konger. My gratitude for your contribution to language education cannot be expressed in such a short review and I certainly do not represent all of the people on this planet, but all the same, I look forward to more ways and reasons to support Duolingo and its terrific team!

Schwarz Crepsley

Language learning for 2018

Excellent example of knowledge sharing on the internet! From their (current) business model, you can instantly see how they’re encouraging users to practice the language with more test rather than paying excessive money endlessly. I’ve been newly residing in japan for work and a non speaker and have looked at many places at language books to find they are either old in style (and still uses audio CDs) for elementary level books or too tourist (simply memorize common set phrases) based. Duolingo sets the new standard with great graphics and a very good pace in learning - and even in ads placement (ads are there. Users read it without being annoyed at all!)
I’m towards the middle of the Japanese journey on Duolingo now. Would be great if they can keep it going on more advanced topics.
Nonetheless, good luck, Duolingo!


excellent but one difficulty for non-english user

the app is extremely excellent but i feel a big difficulty for me as a non english user -- for example in vietnamese, when i type answers in english, it feed back "wrong" because my english grammar has something wrong, for example "co ay tim vi", i write the answer "she find wallet" , not "she finds wallet" then it was wrong --- but i am not learning rnglish, but leRning vietnamese, and answers in english may have may ways of expression...
also "bike" and "the bike", ....many rejection not because of vietnames, but because of typo of english...but i am not learning english
other example: "dien thoai" sometimes answer "telephone" and somtimes answer "phone"
also,"toi mac ao" in english answer can be "a shirt" or "the shirt"--but it is not english lessons

App 私隱



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