Splice - Video Editor & Maker 4+

Editing movie and music videos

Bending Spoons Apps ApS

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使用簡單,功能強大,Splice 讓您可以輕而易舉、快速方便地在 iPhone 或 iPad 上隨心所欲地製作出專業等級的影片。將桌上型電腦的影片剪輯功能精彩地收羅至行動裝置上。輕輕一點即可以剪輯影片、調整切換過渡效果、添加慢動作等特效功能,製作出令人想即刻分享的美麗影片。輕輕鬆鬆達到專業大師的技術水準。

+ 可以添加濾鏡與調整背景顏色、方向及其他。
+ 添加標題幻燈片、圖文整合與自定義結尾。
+ 調整快或慢動作播放速度。
+ 修剪、切割或剪裁照片或影片。
+ 自選過渡效果並控制過渡切換速度。
+ 利用調整曝光、對比、飽和度以及更多功能,讓您的剪輯更精彩。
+ 重疊照片或影片,並套用遮罩來建立無與倫比的效果。
+ 以去色嵌入來去背。
+ 加入令人讚嘆的效果:螢幕雜訊、復古以及更多。
+ 以橫搖和縮放等運鏡效果,讓您的照片更生動活潑並建立幻燈片秀。

+ 從大量免費音樂與音效中選用,或從您自己的 iTune 音樂收藏中選取音樂(受 iTune 條款約束)。
+ 使用內建錄音機添加旁白或自訂音效。
+ 準確無誤地剪輯與混合多條音軌。

+ 直接以 Youtube、Instagram、Facebook、郵件和訊息等分享。
+ 在相機膠捲中儲存高達


• 訂閱時長:週、月、年
• 一旦您確認購買,就會向您的iTunes帳戶收取費用。
• 購買後,您可以在帳戶設置中管理訂閱,關閉自動更新功能。
• 您的訂閱服務會自動更新,除非您在當前使用期結束前至少24小時關閉自動更新功能。
• 當前使用期結束前24小時內,會向您的帳戶收取續訂費用。
• 取消訂閱時,您的訂閱服務會持續有效至當前使用期結束。自動更新功能將被禁用,但是不會退還當前訂閱服務的費用。
• 如有免費試用,購買訂閱服務後,免費試用中未使用的部分將會作廢。


版本 4.28.29

Hey there, beloved Splicers,

While you’ve been shooting and sharing, we’ve been squashing! Bugs, that is. Plus, we’ve smoothed out a couple of minor performance issues. Can I get a “heck, yes”??

Enjoy your stunning updated Splice—it’s a beauty, even if we do say so ourselves ;)

Love from the Splice team


4.7 滿分 5 粒星
4,962 個評分

4,962 個評分


Love this app but....

I truly love this app. Out of all the editing apps that I’ve tried, Splice is just so easy to edit and I use it all the time. But I think it would be so much better if Splice can add the function of ‘adding stickers\images’ and also ‘adding videos’ on top of my editing videos. I sometimes would like to put my watermark on, however Splice doesn’t offer that o I have to use another apps to do those functions that I’ve mentioned which are a bit inconvenient. Waiting on the good news!! Thank you!

Celluloid Geek

After updating to the new version...

I like that there are more fonts and new list of cool music. However, i miss some of the old music. It would have been nicer if some of the old ones were kept in the list. The music also is now difficult to control as there is no way to edit it anymore. Same goes with adding titles. I kept sliding the text bar to keep up with the changes in framing. Also, it cannot playback anymore in full screen mode. The updated one glitches a lot. I had to restart several times as it freezes mid-editing. Never had that in the old one. Lastly, ALL my previous saved work are gone after updating to the new version. Quite annoyed by that. But nonetheless, this app is still my favourite video editor.

Mimi Kiu Kiu

It was not worth the time to spend time downloading this app

All the features are great and smooth, but the app had loads of features that need like a VIP package, since I just download it, it gave me a chance to have a free trial.
I worked on days on the project, coming down to exporting the video and I was so excited to use this clip!
But you know what, it crashed, not one time, but every single time… I tried to do whatever it said on the Q&A page, it still crashed. I tried to lower the video quality, I tried everything.
I can’t imagine an app with 88HKD per month could be something like this and have me in trouble because I was using this app for something coming up on this Saturday.
Now I have to redo the hole thing because it won’t export my video nor sent it in other ways.

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