Duct Construction 4+

Wassim Murr

Progettata per iPad

    • 2,99 €



Get all duct construction and reinforcement options by entering the duct size and system pressure class.

The aim of the app is to save time spent browsing through tables and texts to determine suitable options, by relying on the most widely used standards and providing a condensed list of available duct construction options.

The results are based on galvanized steel duct sheets conforming to ASTM A653 & A924.
The app does not cover all aspects of duct construction, as it is intended as a guide; Reliance on related standards, as well as good engineering sense is the basis for proper design.

1. Duct sizes from 2" to 120"
2. Pressure classes 0.5 in.wg, 1 in.wg, 2 in.wg, 3 in.wg and 4 in.wg.
3. Provides the duct weights for each option per linear foot.
4. Provides required duct gauge and reinforcement spacing.
5. Clear illustration for each reinforcement type, as well as dimensions.
6. Simple and effective UI design.

Roadmap / Upcoming updates:
1. SI units.
2. More pressure class options.
3. User will be able to save and retreive duct data for future reference.
3. More Reinforcement options, including tie-rodding.

Request a feature: welmurr@icloud.com


Versione 1.2

- Added pressure class 3 in.wg and 4 in.wg
- Improved UI layout for iPad.
- Share reinforcement results.

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