Actions 4+

Sindre Sorhus

    • 4.5 • 4件の評価
    • 無料



Supercharge your shortcuts with lots of useful actions.

It provides additional actions for the Shortcuts app.

IMPORTANT: Because of an macOS bug, to make the actions show up in the Shortcuts app, you need to first launch the app and then restart your device.

重要提示:由于 macOS 错误,要使操作显示在“快捷方式”应用程序中,您需要先启动该应用程序,然后重新启动设备。

WICHTIG: Aufgrund eines macOS-Fehlers müssen Sie, damit die Aktionen in der Shortcuts-App angezeigt werden, zuerst die App starten und dann Ihr Gerät neu starten.

IMPORTANT : en raison d'un bug macOS, pour que les actions s'affichent dans l'application Raccourcis, vous devez d'abord lancer l'application, puis redémarrer votre appareil.

IMPORTANTE: Debido a un error de macOS, para que las acciones aparezcan en la aplicación Atajos, primero debe iniciar la aplicación y luego reiniciar su dispositivo.

The actions are not able to run on Apple Watch or HomePod.

Restart your device if the actions don't show up in the Shortcuts app.

■ Actions

- Add to List
- Apply Capture Date
- Ask for Text with Timeout
- Authenticate
- Blur Images
- Boolean
- Calculate with Soulver
- Choose from List (Extended)
- Clamp Number
- Color
- Combine Lists
- Combine Videos
- Convert Coordinates to Location
- Convert Date to Unix Time
- Convert Location to Geo URI
- Convert Unix Time to Date
- Create Color Image
- Create Menu Item
- Create URL
- Edit URL
- Encrypt File
- Encrypt Text
- Filter List
- Flash Screen
- Format Currency
- Format Date Difference
- Format Duration
- Format Number — Compact
- Format Person Name
- Generate CSV
- Generate Random Data
- Generate Random Text
- Generate UUID
- Get Average Color
- Get Average Color of Image
- Get Battery State
- Get Bluetooth Device
- Get Bluetooth Devices
- Get Boolean from Input
- Get Default Printer
- Get Device Details (Extended)
- Get Device Orientation
- Get Dominant Colors of Image
- Get Emojis
- Get File Icon
- Get File Path
- Get High-Resolution Timestamp
- Get Image Location
- Get Index of List Item
- Get Map Image of Location
- Get Modifier Key State
- Get Paragraphs from Text
- Get Printers
- Get Query Item Value from URL
- Get Query Items from URL
- Get Query Items from URL as Dictionary
- Get Random Boolean
- Get Random Color
- Get Random Date and Time
- Get Random Emoticon
- Get Random Floating-Point Number
- Get Random Number from Seed
- Get Related Words
- Get Running Apps
- Get Sentences from Text
- Get SF Symbol Image
- Get Title of URL
- Get Uniform Type Identifier
- Get User Details
- Global Variable
- Hex Encode
- Hide Shortcuts App
- Invert Images
- Is Accessibility Feature On
- Is Bluetooth On
- Is Camera On
- Is Cellular Data On
- Is Cellular Low Data Mode On
- Is Conforming to Uniform Type Identifier
- Is Dark Mode On
- Is Day
- Is Device Locked
- Is Device Moving
- Is Device Orientation
- Is Host Reachable
- Is Low Power Mode On
- Is Microphone On
- Is Online
- Is Screen Locked
- Is Shaking Device
- Is Web Server Reachable
- Is Wi-Fi On
- Merge Dictionaries
- Named Clipboard
- Open URLs with App
- Overwrite File
- Parse CSV
- Parse JSON5
- Play Alert Sound
- Pretty Print Dictionaries
- Remove Duplicate Lines
- Remove Duplicates from List
- Remove Emojis
- Remove Empty Lines
- Remove from List
- Remove Non-Printable Characters
- Reverse Lines
- Reverse List
- Round Number to Multiple
- Sample Color from Screen
- Scan QR Codes in Image
- Set Creation and Modification Date of File
- Set Default Printer
- Set Image Location
- Set Uniform Type Identifier
- Shuffle List
- Sort List
- Spell Out Number
- Transcribe Audio
- Transform Lists
- Transform Text (camel case, slugify, transliteration, etc.)
- Transform Text with JavaScript
- Trim Whitespace
- Truncate List
- Truncate Number
- Truncate Text
- Wait Milliseconds
- Write or Edit Text

■ Support

Submit ideas and other requests through the feedback button in the main app.

■ Open-source

The app is open-source (see the website).


バージョン 3.3.0

- Added “Is Time” action.
- Deprecated the “Get Unsplash Image” action. Unfortunately, Unsplash took down the service used by this, so it no longer works, and there is no workaround.

Restart your device after this update to fix any issues with the actions not appearing or not working (macOS bug).





I like it

However, since iOS version 17.?, the word mute that was displayed on Dynamic Island (maybe it's just my imagination) no longer appears.
It might be a problem on the iOS side, but if you can fix it, it will be perfect.


This is not related to the Actions app.

There is a feedback button in the app which makes it easier to resolve issues.


i love it

Who can believe that this app is FREE? Some Actions help me work efficiently.

i will request new action.
Could you please add “Get CurrentApp”?


iOS does not allow Actions to get info about the current app.



Hey Sindre can you put AI Actions into the MacOS store? Thanks for everything


That was the plan, but Apple is not accepting it.


デベロッパである"Sindre Sorhus"は、アプリのプライバシー慣行に、以下のデータの取り扱いが含まれる可能性があることを示しました。詳しくは、デベロッパプライバシーポリシーを参照してください。



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