Designed to help you fit mental wellness into your busy life.


Feel good and function well


We all struggle with our mental wellbeing sometimes, but as unique as individual circumstances may be, there are universal, proven techniques that can help. Bringing these techniques together in one app, Groov provides simple tools and exercises to help busy people thrive.

Created by psychologists and behaviour-change experts, Groov has been designed to support people in making lasting, positive changes in areas they might need help with, such as improving sleep or building stronger relationships.

The app’s quick, easy and fun ways to work on your mental wellness ensure that even the busiest of users can slot in a daily check-in with themselves.

When you log in for the first time, be sure to go through the setup to tailor your app experience to your personal intentions, such as improving your happiness, focus or energy. Opt in to daily motivation notifications to help reinforce your habits and improve your chance of success.

The app’s interactive tools include breath training, a wheel of kindness and an interactive worry map, where you can identify and analyse worries, set an action plan and let those worries go.

The app also features a huge library of tips, quick videos and articles designed to guide your journey and inspire you to take action.

Groov is endorsed by and features New Zealand rugby legend Sir John Kirwan – a figurehead for men’s mental health who advocates for the importance of recognising and nurturing psychological wellbeing. Don’t miss his videos in the app, in which he shares some of his own insights and experiences.

Prioritising your mental wellbeing just got a whole lot easier.