AppAdvice 4+

News, Tips, & Reccomendations

Designed for iPad

    • Free



Don’t you wish you had a trusty pal to tell you all about the coolest free apps, the best Apple news, and answer every question about your iDevice, 24 hours a day? A friend who really caters to your personal tastes? AppAdvice IS that friend: Providing the best iOS news, tips, & apps — and we’ll never charge you a dime! Heck, we’re you’re iOS BFF!

The new, fully redesigned, reimagined, customized AppAdvice app features a dedicated team of over 20 iOS journalists who’ve been covering apps since 2008. That means we’ve got the long-term insight that both beginners and power users need to get the most out of their iPhones, iPads, Apple Watches, and Apple TVs.

***Cool Feature Alert: Every time we talk about an app in an article, instead of static screenshots, we’ll be using inline videos showing the app in action. We call these new videos “AppPlays.” AppPlays don’t interrupt your experience with an obtrusive, content-blocking video, however. Instead, they fit in nicely alongside that content, efficiently auto-playing as you scroll past and making it really clear if the app in question is up your alley or not.***

What Else Will You Find In The AppAdvice App?

* News: Everyday expect to find all the stories that will keep you up-to-date on the world of Apple and the App Store

* Tips: We have dozens of experts pushing their iDevices to the max so we can help you get more out of yours

* Reviews: Over 20,000 detailed reviews of the top apps, new ones added daily.

* Guides: Custom tailored advice based on your preferences to accomplish any task you can think of with your iDevice.

* Deals: Get the best prices and find out how to get them free!

** Who Is AppAdvice**

We’re a team of iOS enthusiasts who are passionate about Apple devices and apps that make them more powerful. The entire company is solely focused on Apple & their products. We’ve been cover everything iOS related and looking for the best ways to use Apple devices since the first day of the App Store in July 2008. You can find our complete archive of work on and our very best content is found inside of this app.

If you love your iDevice, you'll love the AppAdvice app, as it will help you rediscover it day after day.

What’s New

Version 6.0

This app has been updated by Apple to display the Apple Watch app icon.

- Support for iPhone that screen is tall (and beautiful)!
- Also squashed a few bugs and updated some graphics.

We thank all our loyal readers who have supported us since 2008! We appreciate your devotion and hope this app is everything you hope it will be. Please do send us suggestions at

Ratings and Reviews

3.5 out of 5
2 Ratings

2 Ratings

Bestinn ,

Good Application

It is a good application which updated us about the news, problems and comming up latest applications.

Ceriosis ,

Confused what to buy?

This app has the most info on all the games, apps and other things that you demand, just name it! If you can't find the right thing you need or want to know more, whether its the right app for you or not, just let aside all the worries and buy this app and trust me it'll help alot. Goodluck =)

Khfarooq ,


Stay updated..on the go.
One of the best app guides..

App Privacy

The developer,, has not provided details about its privacy practices and handling of data to Apple. For more information, see the developer’s privacy policy.

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The developer will be required to provide privacy details when they submit their next app update.

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