Map out your dream vacation with TripAdvisor.

Tripadvisor: Plan & Book Trips

Hotels, Restaurants, Tours


Vacation days are precious. When you want to make the most of your time off, you can’t afford any wrong moves.

That’s where TripAdvisor comes in. Even after all this time, it’s still the largest travel website in the world, boasting 600 million user-generated reviews for hotels, restaurants, attractions, experiences, and more.

The app also serves up personalized recommendations from travel experts and trusted sources like Time Out, National Geographic, and Refinery29 to help you construct the perfect itinerary.

Looking for something specific? Enter a location and watch the links come rolling in. Tap the yellow View Deal button to hop from a suggestion to the relevant booking platform (more than 200 partner sites are connected).

TripAdvisor can help with anything from a night out to a once-in-a-lifetime vacation.

To keep your ideas from getting scattered, tap the plus button on the Trips tab and organize flights you’ve booked and restaurants or attractions you’ve saved all in one location.

If you give the app permission, you can also have it follow your location with GPS to tailor suggestions to what’s currently around you.

Reviews from real travelers have been TripAdvisor’s secret sauce from the beginning, so be sure to add your own photos and notes once you’re home safe and sound.