Fill silence while getting focused with familiar sounds.


The Soundtrack of People


Has your world been a little too quiet lately? Ambients transports you from the stillness of self-isolation to the bustle of city scenes with a library of soothingly familiar, distraction-free soundscapes.

Tracks like “Streets of NYC” drop you into the hubbub of a busy (but not too busy) thoroughfare in New York City. Fire up “Evening Paris Stroll” or “Walking in Madrid” for an auditory trip abroad—it’s just like you’re ambling across these historic cities.

No desolate soundscapes here. Ambients’ tracks conjure up the comfort of lively times.

Need to boost your productivity? “Coffee Shop” evokes sitting in a café filled with others who are getting work done (and indulging in a bit of conversation too).

Or head to the “Beach” track to wind down to the calming sounds of nature. The track mixes crashing waves with a crackling fire and the chatter of a group of friends huddled around the warmth.