Name: Lee Yik Keat
Talent: Photography
Creating since: 2014
Tools: Adobe Lightroom, Prequel, VSCO, iPhone

Singaporean photographer Lee Yik Keat, commonly known as YK, has captivated millions of followers on both Instagram and TikTok with his stunning photos and popular tutorial videos. Outside of social media, he has built up a remarkable professional portfolio with clients that include the Singapore Tourism Board, Adidas, and VSCO.

But it all started with a delivery boy and an iPhone.

As a teenager, YK would help relatives with delivery jobs across Singapore. He began to use his iPhone to photograph what he saw on his trips—and it ended up having a huge impact on his creative journey. “Starting out by phone allowed me to really just focus on how to compose the shot,” YK explains.

Look for reflections to add another dimension to your photos.

Beginning with “wallpaper photos” (skylines and sunsets), he quickly moved on to street photography.

By paying close attention to his surroundings, YK was able to notice the touching everyday details that might otherwise have escaped his attention. For example: “In Singapore, I notice how sometimes bus drivers on opposite lanes will wave at each other to say ‘hello’.”

What’s his favourite photo? “It was taken in a narrow alley in Japan and is split into two halves: on the left side there’s a chef cooking, and on the right side, there’s this guy receiving his dinner. So you can see a great contrast of their lives: one’s serving and the other one’s being served.”

What’s important to you? Does your photo have a purpose? Are you taking that shot just for the sake of it?

—Lee Yik Keat

A self-taught photographer who learned through YouTube videos and social media, YK is keen to pass on his knowledge to others and his go-to editing apps are Adobe Lightroom, VSCO, and Prequel.

In his Instagram and TikTok videos, he encourages aspiring photographers to look for new angles and techniques to improve their photos—such as making a skyline shot more interesting by finding a nearby metallic surface and shooting the skyline against its reflection.

You don’t have to venture outside for the perfect shot, though. You can start right at home, with some selfies or whatever you find in your room.

Lights and shadows can transform a scene.

To get started, YK suggests a little self-reflection. “What’s important to you? Does your photo have a purpose? Are you taking that shot just for the sake of it? For me, what makes a photo extraordinary is being timeless. If you can take a photo and look back on it five years and feel like it’s a new image, I think that’s a huge accomplishment,” he says.

And for those wanting to build up a social media following, YK advises: “People follow you for a reason—maybe because of a specific genre of photography you do or your work’s tonality. So I think it’s a good mix to share photos that [enable you to] express yourself, but also photos that serve the audience.”

Here are YK’s top three tips for editing with Adobe Lightroom, VSCO, and Prequel:

  1. Use Adobe Lightroom’s Radial Filter tool. Drawing a circle around your photo’s subject and then brightening the area inside while darkening the area outside creates a powerful spotlight effect.
  2. Try Split Tone in VSCO. This helps you control the mood of your photos. For example, using a green tint for shadows will bring a sense of nostalgia to the shot.
  3. Add some punch with Prequel. This app offers a lot of striking effects, such as Bling or Disco. Choose one, then adjust its intensity and apply it to your photos.

Camera at the ready? Download Adobe Lightroom, VSCO, and Prequel today and put these expert tips to use in your own share-worthy snaps.