優步 - 隨時預約搭乘計程車 4+
立即使用 Uber 優步,享受可靠及安全的交通服務。
Uber Technologies, Inc.
- 免費
Uber 致力於維護您的安全。您有權享有安全無虞的交通服務,我們為此建立了值得信賴的安全標準。
使用 Uber,動動手指即可輕鬆前往目的地。只要打開 App,輸入想前往的地點,職業駕駛就會提供服務,協助您抵達目的地。
Uber 在全球 600 多座機場和 10,000 多個城市提供服務,助您輕鬆實現旅遊計畫。您可視需要即時叫車,也可以提前安排行程。
隆重介紹 Uber Taxi 優步小黃,透過 Uber 預約搭乘的最新選擇。現在,您可以選擇透過 Uber App 叫計程車。
無論您追求的是品味、空間或實惠價格,Uber 都能協助您找到符合需求的完美行程。
使用 Uber,您可以在叫車前事先查看預估應付車資,費用多少一目瞭然。
您可以從 App 中直接致電當地主管機關,App 也會顯示您的位置和行程詳細資訊,以便您迅速分享給緊急援助服務。
每趟行程結束後,您都可以送出評分和建議。您也可以直接在 App 中給予小費,向職業駕駛表達謝意。
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版本 3.654.10000
我們會盡可能經常更新 Uber App,確保能提供您更快更可靠的使用體驗。以下是幾項最新版更新中的升級項目:
- Updates to improve localization across the app
- Various bug fixes & improvements
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Cannot see rating feedback
Don't mind the drivers rating the riders, but would like to know why say some drivers rated me a 4 instead of 5 stars. It doesn't make sense where someone can ruin other people's credibility without giving explanation. Also Uber should remove the incentive for 5star = tipping assumption. Some countries tipping system is not activated, Taiwan for one. When we go abroad we are not used to the tip culture. I feel this should not reflect our rating as a passenger. If it will then Uber should instruct when members travel abroad regarding local culture, so we don't risk our passenger credibility. Overall Uber is a good service, but I don't think the service hinges on how other people "feel". For example, some driver don't want to pick up anyone under a 4.8 rating. This just feels like the wrong driver passenger dynamic.
Could be better
I ordered an Uber this morning, it was rush hour so the fee was intense, I had waited til 7.40 to have a better price. Connected to a driver who was completing another trip, it was fine until he PICKED UP THE WRONG PERSON. At the time i was almost there, I was supposed to be on that car so I wouldn't be late to my office, I ordered the car on under 500ntd fee at 7.40, because of this retarded incident I had to order another Uber, spending 800 ntd because the time and whatever changed, according to Uber's silly algorithm. Not only i had to pay a lot more, i wasted my time reordering, waiting for the car, etc. and all caused me being late at work. Seeing Uber still wanted to charge me for the driver's effort to come was outrageous, hence I need to speak up. What about my lost? You guys should have done something about this issue, this is not the first time I had similar situations, that the second time reordering was always a pain, how could the price changes in a second with such ridiculous difference? And should have selected your drivers better, not the first time having bad experiences, not to mention my horrible experience in India, the driver insulted me and I had to ask for help from Taj Mahal Palace Hotel. I see you guys are struggling in Taiwan but honestly you could have done better, there's no other app like Grab or some competitors, I've been a big Uber person, taking Uber almost every few days, I feel there still are a lot to improve for you guys.
Rating system is not considered fair
I use Uber service more than 10 times a week, which I believe makes me a frequent user. I find the fact that drivers can base on their personal feeling not fair to passengers. For example, during COVID-19 period, I request drivers wear masks but, most of time, are very unwilling to wear masks and simply ignored my request. Also, many drivers went to gas station during the trip without asking my permission. When I told them I don’t want to go to gas station and request them go straight to my destination, they just ignore me and think I am unkind. All of these things may make the drivers give passengers low ratings while they actually should take responsibility for their behavior. I feel the passengers are published in this context.
App 隱私權
開發者「Uber Technologies, Inc.」指出 App 的隱私權實務可能包含下方描述的資料處理。如需更多資訊,請參閱開發者的隱私權政策。
以下資料可能用於在其他公司的 App 和網站上追蹤你:
- 購買項目
- 聯絡資訊
- 搜尋記錄
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- 使用狀況資料
- 其他資料
- 購買項目
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- 聯絡資訊
- 使用者內容
- 搜尋記錄
- 識別碼
- 使用狀況資料
- 敏感資訊
- 診斷
- 其他資料
- 供應商
- Uber Technologies, Inc.
- 大小
- 548.5 MB
- 類別
- 旅遊
- 相容性
- iPhone
- 需要 iOS 16.2 或以上版本。
- iPad
- 需要 iPadOS 16.2 或以上版本。
- 語言
- 年齡分級
- 4+
- 位置
- 此 App 即使在未開啟時仍可能會使用你的位置資訊,這會縮短電池續航力。
- Copyright
- © (C) 2010-2025 Uber Technologies, Inc.
- 價格
- 免費
只要透過語音指令就能在此 App 中完成所有事情。