AdBlock 4+

AdBlock Labs

專為 iPad 設計

    • $60.00


The original AdBlock - the first and last ad-blocker you'll ever need. A one time purchase - no subscriptions needed. We've been blocking ads on iPhones and iPads since 2012 - we know our game! :)
AdBlock allows you to block ads on your iOS device. Get rid of 99% of annoying popups, banners and video ads. Protect your privacy, limit bandwidth use, speed up your device, save battery and drastically improve your day-to-day iOS experience.

The most important advantages of AdBlock are:
• AdBlock comes with a local DNS proxy service built-in. Use it to see which domains you're device is contacting. Create your own rules and assign any IP to any domain, right on your device. You can (and should!) bootstrap this feature with rules found online.
• AdBlock has enhanced DNS proxy rules export and import function. Share DNS proxy rules with other users, easily import rules found on the Internet.
• AdBlock comes with a Safari Content Blocker to block ads on websites in Safari.
• AdBlock allows you to create your own list of domains and synchronize your rules between all your devices using iCloud.
• AdBlock allows you to protect your privacy by blocking mobile trackers. Prevent Internet trackers from recording your online activity and selling your private data.
• AdBlock does not send your Internet traffic through any remote server. All of your connections stay direct, fast and secure. Ads are blocked right on your device!
• Setting up AdBlock is simple! Just download the app, and follow the tutorial to set everything up. When in doubt - contact our support!
• AdBlock automatically updates to the latest version of the filters on every app run. We keep the ad servers database up-to-date for you.
• AdBlock works with Wi-Fi and cellular networks. You don't need to set it up separately for every network you use.
• AdBlock comes with a handy widget to quickly change the DNS proxy status when needed.

Looking for support? Contact our dedicated support line directly from the app - we'll help you out with the proper setup and answer all the questions you might have.


版本 4.7.3

This version contains bug fixes. Please consider updating to iOS 14.7, as it solves most of the blocking issues.


4.6(滿分 5 分)
2,342 則評分

2,342 則評分


Amazingly Powerful Ad-Blocking App

One the most amazing apps on iOS. Able to block ads universally across ALL apps, not just Safari webpages. The ability to log all internet communications and identify specific connections is just sth that iOS has never had the chance to experience.
Simple interface with so much more deep functionalities; if you’re an experienced Windows HOSTS tweaker, this will definitely feel like home.
Huge applause to the devs for such an ingenious concept, one that actually does work as advertised, across the entire device and across all apps.


The solution for fixing battery drain problem of v4.0 above

1. Uninstall App first.
2. Go to iCloud settings and delete the backup of older version of adblock.
3. Reinstall App again and enjoy it.



You said you dropped VPN , but why do we still need a VPN profile?
Also, must the VPN be turned on all the time? Cause I remember back then there’s no need, but now every time I open the app it automatically turn on VPN and it shows a icon at the bar, slightly space consuming.
These are all questions, no offense intended.

App 隱私權

開發者「AdBlock Labs」指出 App 的隱私權實務可能包含下方描述的資料處理。如需更多資訊,請參閱開發者的隱私權政策


開發者不會從這個 App 收集任何資料。



  • 家人共享

    啟用「家人共享」,即可讓最多六名家庭成員使用此 App。



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