Marvel SNAP


Card Battler with Superpowers


Editors’ Choice celebrates the very best apps and games – hand-picked by App Store editors around the world.

Marvel SNAP’s quick, competitive card matches put the power of the entire Marvel universe in your hands. Pulling from Marvel’s incredible roster of superheroes and villains, the game perfectly channels the personality of the comics – and redefines the card-battle genre with anyone-can-learn rules and clever twists.

Gorgeous art and animations make Storm and crew look appropriately amazing.

We knew we loved it when: Ghost Rider whipped his fiery chain to dramatically pull a card back into play. Cards don’t just look and sound like our favourite characters, they feel like them too. Play a certain green-skinned goliath and he slams onto the table, nearly cracking it in half while shouting, “Hulk smash!” Likewise, Rogue doesn’t just steal a foe’s ability – she flies across the table and forcibly wrests it from them. And Galactus (often to our chagrin) triggers a dramatic cutscene of the planet-eater annihilating the board. The game’s reverence for Marvel lore hits us right in our comic-nerd hearts!

Upgrade cards to make them 3D, give them shiny logos and add other cool effects.

Our favourite moment: Discovering just how devastating it can be to play cards in the right order. Like the time we dropped Wong, who magically triggers reveal effects twice, then Mystique, whose shapeshifting duplicates the previous card’s ability. With the effects of our next cards quadrupled, Ironheart massively increased our side’s power while Gambit’s explosive projectiles wiped out the entire enemy side. Forming super-teams on the fly is supremely satisfying.

The biggest surprise: The excitement Snapping adds to the game. Taking a page from poker, Marvel SNAP lets you raise the stakes during a match by tapping (or Snapping) a Cosmic Cube. The more you wager, the bigger the gain (or loss) to your overall player ranking. Will our powerful Red Skull be enough to dominate his location? If we bluff, will the other player give up? Knowing when to retreat – and save a potentially huge loss – is just as important. Every Snap is a thrilling test of confidence.

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