Caregiver: Find Jobs Ratings and Reviews

4.6 out of 5
90.2K Ratings

90.2K Ratings

ATirov ,

Helpful Job Hunting

There is a lot of opportunity in the Care app to find a job. But most importantly I appreciate the background check that’s offered in which helps connect with families of higher pay. I like how this app allows families to create profiles that states the schedule and some additional in-depth detail of what the job inquires because me as a nanny could review this and see if there is potential of being a good fit for each other. I also am able to create a profile of myself which allows families to review and reach out through private messaging if they’re interested, or if you private message a family they could take a peak at your profile before replying. I’ve had great luck.
The only thing I would recommend to the Care app is if there was a way when families research a nanny name that our personal pay rate is shown with our name. I say this because too often I have families that reach out to me but have an extremely low pay rate to offer which I unfortunately have to pass up because it doesn’t meet my personal needs/qualification.

Gymnast25678 ,

Needs work + ridiculous new fees

The app is very glitchy. Constantly crashing, delayed notifications, always displaying an “error” message. All of that I was willing to deal with, as I have previously found families to work with, and had used instant bookings. However recently, they have started taking out MAJOR fees from instant bookings. Mind you, that’s PRE tax. They claim this fee is for background checks to “ensure our safety.” I find that very funny because I paid for my own background check. They also claim it’s for a support line, which I have received zero support from, I’m met with an error message every time. I would prefer them to say they are just broke, need money, whatever. Because absolutely nothing has improved, in fact it’s only gotten worse for sitters. I had to cancel a booking because I was not feeling comfortable with it, there are still many fake accounts circulating through the app, and I live in New York City where it is not the safest. After cancelling (mind you I had to cancel probably 10 times because of the error messages), I received a message saying cancelling could affect future bookings. Well then maybe you should actually use the money from your high fees to run real background checks. Get rid of the fake accounts. I have made money off of the app, and found good families to work with so that’s why I am leaving 3 stars. But in the mood to leave one after these stupid fees.

Developer Response ,

Thank you for your feedback and I'm so sorry to hear that you are not having a positive experience with the app. For assistance, please reach out via our Help Center contact us link at or Facebook Messenger. Please include Reference Number REV-011094 when you message. Deleting and reinstalling the latest version of the app may also be helpful. I can assure you that the profiles on our site are real and we've had many happy members make great connections using our service.

Lightning Lisa ,

Strange Nanny app. Not sure.

I’m pretty new to this app but it’s pretty strange. First of all, they charge the nanny or caregiver, which no other app or group does. Second, they have an instant job request feature, which I actually just scored a job through so yay. But they charge both nanny and parent a big cut when you get paid through the app. It allows the family to request a one time booking, and if you say yes it makes you wait sometimes forever for actual confirmation. So as far as I know I might be working in two hours because I never heard back one way or the other. It’s ridiculous they don’t make the family confirm one way or the other. And then the app keeps messaging ME to confirm, which I already did. Pretty frustrating. And really bad customer service if you actually want to talk to the company. But yet I seem to have gotten a couple jobs through it. Started out on premium membership for one month which does your background check. Will probably either downgrade or quit soon and use a different service which has better communication and does not charge. Never had issues like this with Sittercity, which I’ve used for 14 years. I’m guessing it’s pretty confusing for the parent also because so many people have very confusing job posts. I’m wondering if half of the ads are even real because everyone has identical wording on their job posts with no specific information.

Developer Response ,

Thank you for your feedback and I'm so sorry to hear that you didn't have a positive experience with the app. For assistance, please reach out via our Help Center contact us link at or Facebook Messenger. Please include Reference Number REV-009257 when you message. Deleting and reinstalling the latest version of the app may also be helpful.

Bridgettaaaaa ,

Easy to use but....

This app has been easy to use and easy to create a profile. I love how easy it is to find a family (you do have to pay for premium but it’s worth it to find a family easier) I like the feature how you can get reviews from other families, but I wish there was a review you could give to the family. I’ve had families who were really nice and some who were not. There should be a review for the families profiles to let other caregivers know little more detailed about them. It seems like families can leave reviews about caregivers but what about caregivers giving reviews about the families?
I had a family who had many nanny’s before me (I had no idea until later and neighbors would say comments and even the kids did!) and she gave me a really hard time while trying to take care of her kids. She made it seem really professional and care free at first, but when I started watching her children she was always trying to control everything and stepping on my toes. At first, I didn’t mind it was like she was helping, but it just kept getting worse. It would be nice if someone had given a review saying some of those things. I wasted a good chunk of time when I could’ve been with a family for the long term. I just want other nanny’s to look out for one another in the nannying world. Thank you.

Developer Response ,

Thank you for sharing your detailed feedback! We are thrilled to hear that you have had great success in finding jobs! We appreciate your feedback about the review feature and will be submitting this feedback. In the future, please feel free to report a member of concern either by contacting us at or within your message center report feature. There are three dots in the top right hand corner where you can access the report feature. Thanks again!

noxeelove ,

The App is a complete money grab these days

I’ve had this app for almost 2 years and the first year it was a lot cheaper and it was a lot easier to get a job and the one time gigs were pouring in. I stopped paying for the plan because I had a full time job and didn’t need the one time gigs to my child’s extra curricular schedule.
I don’t know what happened because when I came back looking for another job since my NF relocated, all I do is apply and the jobs posted already have a ton of applicants. Why would the job still be up after weeks and so many applications in, it’s a waste of time having to run through all of them, take a chance to apply because what other choices are there and only to never hear back.
The kicker is the one-time gigs. Why would you pay such a premium fee (they doubled it by the way) and still have to apply for these gigs? Supposedly they send them to everyone on their list and with everyone’s response, they family gets to choose who to pick. Again, a money grab and a waste of everyone’s time. It previously use to be that they sent it to one person and they had a choice to accept or decline within a certain time before it was sent to the next person.
Not to mention that they still bombard your emails and texts with the urge to reply because a the family is waiting to hear from you.. no they’re not. Quit spamming me.

Developer Response ,

Hi, Thank you for your feedback. I'm so sorry to hear that you didn't have a positive experience with the app. For assistance, please reach out via our Help Center contact at Care Help Center for Families, Caregivers & Partners or Facebook Messenger. Please include Reference Number REV-021493 when you message.

Sitsyofucoyuvpuxtos ,

Scam likely

I noticed that I couldn’t get any good jobs without having a membership. That’s fair, I mean the developers need money to live. What’s not fair is ripping off honest people trying to find work. Like the developers mentioned, parents who have a premium account can talk to sitters without the premium membership. I had parents reach out to me this way so I was receiving a couple job offers without the premium membership. I decide to pay the membership, and now nobody is contacting me. Literally nobody, I got more job offers before I paid the membership. I understand the developers can’t control whether parents respond, but this is some really really sketchy stuff going on. Usually, companies pull scams like this and after you pay a small amount they’ll say “ just pay more” “just buy this and your problem will be solved” do you see why I think this is a major scam? Canceled my membership immediately and unless something changes fast, will not be going back.

EDIT: I tried that website provided by the developer. There is no option to directly communicate to anyone. Also, the problems keep ringing in, I lost a job because I had this typo on my profile, I I’ve been trying to fix it but it says pending. It’s said pending for 2 months now. Frustrating and would not recommend. SitterSitty is free and I’ve gotten jobs there, so would totally recommend that one.

Developer Response ,

Thank you for sharing your feedback and I am so very sorry to hear that you have not had the job experience that you had hoped. I did want to clarify that it is free to create an account and apply to jobs. We only require that one member be premium for communications beyond the initial application. Therefore, with your Premium Membership all members/ families can reply regardless of their account status. I also wanted to share that your message center is not "controlled" it functions just like emails from the other members. If you would like us to review your current status or discuss your concerns further, please contact us with your account information at

ahahagdnamnxn ,

This service needs to support the caregivers

UPDATE after response: You claim you’re charging a nominal fee to ensure that you’re continuously providing the best service possible, but you didn’t answer my question. What service are you providing now that we weren’t getting prior to the additional fee? Name it list the exact benefit we’re receiving now that we didn’t have before. I haven’t noticed a single change besides me getting an extra fee. Be honest that fee is to make you more money while ignoring the feedback from caregivers begging you to fix your site and give us actual support.

Caregivers are not given an option to review families who hire them, but families can review us? We cannot delete our reviews so we’re always at risk for families (who we haven’t even worked for) using the review system to take revenge and defame us. The app now charges a 10% “service” fee for bookings. Exactly what is this fee supposed to be providing me? What service am I now getting that I wasn’t getting prior to the fee being tacked on? We have to pay for the care check, pay to use the app, and now you want a cut of our pay? For an app that does not even support the caregivers and works entirely for the parents benefit? My advice for all is to use care as the middle man and give families your phone number so you can book outside of care and not pay a ridiculous fee.

Developer Response ,

Thank you for your feedback on the reviews. We will note this for the management team as we are always looking for ways to make the site work better for our members. Regarding the booking fee,'s mission is the provide the very best platform in the world for care, and we continually invest in tools and features to help caregivers find great jobs--and to get paid for your work as quickly as possible! In order to support the ongoing development of the site and provide you with a high-quality booking experience, we charge a nominal service fee for each booking.

fbanks8691 ,

Terribly buggy

I submitted a similar review a couple weeks ago but I’ve scrolled through to see if others were reporting similar issues and now I’m 100% sure the review was removed by the developer. The app is terrible. There are so many pages that don’t load, buttons that don’t follow through, and pages that stay static. There’s no way all these reviews are actual people- the rating of this app has to be inflated because the app is nearly unusable. I am tired of trying to click the job details on “tasks”/open requests for the day and nothing loads or works. Or someone sends me a message needing care and I get a blank page on the “job” tab connected to their message. Not to mention receiving a push notification about a message, I open it, and it’s only the message itself there- no job related tabs in the initial opening- thus forcing me to close/kill the app entirely hoping it will refresh and show. I spend more time completely restarting the app just trying to see info than I do actually engaging with anyone. I would delete the app and only bother with the website but the company forces you to use the app for many things, especially with initial account setup. My next step is contacting their corporate offices regarding the terrible usability because this is absolutely ridiculous and affects how caretakers respond and remain organized.

LisaSer ,

Eternal glitch

I’ve been a member on Care for 6 years. I invest in the website to obtain good ratings, access, background checks etc.
I have noticed over the years it is a constant battle to get my notifications, to write a paragraph, to edit and so on..
To this day I cannot edit my profile for certain things. Since the beginning it has me car-less when I’ve always had a car and marked that I have transportation.
6 year long story short- I like the format from about 5 years ago. It keep evolving into something more and more user UN friendly. I have probably lost out on opportunities - no doubt- with all the issues. I continue to auto pay and upgrade and invest in this website. It would be appreciated after all these years- if these tiny BIG problems could get fixed. There’s no even flow. Please please fix the website. It’s terribly frustrating.
Ps. It’s a challenge to call them too so while they’re making so much money, maybe they could give back a tiny bit by fixing their- what seems to be eternal-problems in all areas.

vicky100000000001 ,

Don’t care about workers

So, I liked care for the most part.. until I got a review from someone that I have never met or talked to. The review stated I was “rude” and “unresponsive” but I don’t know how I can be both rude and unresponsive. I didn’t have my care app for a bit because I took on a full time job, and I didn’t even receive a message from the person that left me a review. The review was a lie, and was 100% unfair. I contact care and they advise I respond to the review instead of them taking it down. I then try to do as advised and the care app isn’t letting me change from “child care” to the housekeeping page, therefore I can’t even do what they advised because it just freezes up. I even tried to delete the app and redownload it with no luck. My point is that someone can leave you a review and it doesn’t even have to be true, which in return hurts your chances of getting jobs. You have to get a background check that you pay for, but yet a single review can hurt your business even if it’s from someone that doesn’t know you, hasn’t worked with, and hasn’t even reached out to you. Honestly care, I won’t be using your app anymore and I advise others to not. Unless you want to work hard for your reputation just to be slandered by a random person on any given day.

Developer Response ,

We appreciate your review. We'll be sure to share your feedback with our management team. For assistance, please reach out via our Help Center contact us link at or Facebook Messenger. Include Reference Number REV-015740 when you message.