Japanese Hiragana Letter!もじあそ‪び‬ 4+

Learn Japanese Alphabet Letter

Kazue Kuga


    • 4.8 • 106件の評価
    • 無料
    • アプリ内課金があります



A free educational app for kids to learn how to read and write Japanese letter with fun. Made for 3 year old to 5 year old kids who starts to have interests in Japanese Hiragana letters like AIUEO. Interactions with and animated character(Goobee) will amuse your kids and enables to let them enjoy the learning process.

Target Age: 3 year old to 5 year old

[AIUEO(あいうえお) Game]
A simple free game that lets your kids learn the connection between the sound and the appearance of Japanese letters. You can turn on/off each Hiragana letters if you want them to learn specific letters.

[Balloon Fly(そらとび) Game]
As a next step to AIUEO game, this free game let your kids to search Japanese letters from a larger number of letters. Children can enjoy popping lots of balloons. Be careful not to fall down by selecting wrong balloons!

[Word Chain(しりとり) Game]
Pick a word that starts with a letter in the tail of previous word. Make word chain longer and run through the roller coaster. Be careful not to select a word that ends with letter [ん], since no Japanese words starts with the letter!

[Whac-a-letter(もじたたき) Game]
Find and hit letters that fit in the square on the board. Letters will try to hide like in a whac-a-mole game.

[Word(ことば) Game]
Kids can learn words from a connection of Japanese Hiragana letters in this game. Familiar words will show up and your kids can enjoy the interaction of the word images and Goobee.

[Write(なぞりがき) Game]
A free game that let your kids learn how to write Japanese Hiragana letters by tracing and popping little balloons. As you trace the balloons and make words, cloud-like images will be shown in the sky.

[Dakuon(だくおん) Game] Included in paid package
Learn how the sound changes when letter parts like DAKUON["], HAN-DAKUON[the circle on upper right] are added to each letters.

[Calligraphy(しゅうじ) Game] Included in paid package
Leveraging the skills learnt in the writing game, kids can learn the detail shape of each letters such as TOME(stop) and HARAI(sweeping).

[Karuta(かるた) Game] Included in paid package
Kids can utilize the letters learnt in the other basic games to play Karuta(Card game of Japanese words). It helps to learn more words.


バージョン 3.0.4

Minor bug fixes and improvements.





Adorable Addictive & Educational

I’m trying to learn some hiragana for an upcoming trip. This is so far hands down the most upbeat, fun kids’ app for the purpose! I should probably ask my Japanese friend for help with the instructions, but even though the cute character (an artichoke maybe?) only speaks Japanese, s/he makes it clear what you need to do! He’s very patient and he’s funny when you get the wrong answers, not at all demeaning. What fun! I really need to hear the sounds he’s saying, slowly, like he says them. Thank you!


Thank you for the review!


Great interactive learning offering sounds and pronunciation with hiragana letters

Entertainment and learning together

Sami Darnell

game is cool!

4 stars!


Thank you for the review!


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  • ファミリー共有



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