Money Monitor 4+

개인 가정 사업 자금 관리, 예산 및 계산서 알림 집‪사‬

倩 赵

iPad용으로 디자인됨

    • 4.0 • 334개의 평가
    • 무료


가장 포괄적인 개인 재무 관리 애플리케이션인 Money Monitor를 지금 받으세요!

Money Monitor에서는 강력한 기능을 통해 쉬운 조작으로 모든 거래, 계정, 예산, 청구서, 현금 흐름 및 수취인을 추적하고 구성할 수 있습니다.

Money Monitor는 비용을 추적 및 통제하고 제때에 청구서를 지불하려는 경우 올바른 선택입니다. 모든 재정을 한눈에 확인하고 돈이 어디서 오고 가는지 명확하게 보여줍니다. 개인 예산이나 업무용으로 꼭 필요한 앱입니다.


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⁃ 카테고리용 아이콘 10개 이상, 하위 카테고리용 아이콘 40개 이상.
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⁃ 3D Touch 기능을 지원합니다.

질문이나 제안 사항이 있으시면 maxwellapp@tom.com으로 이메일을 보내주세요.

새로운 기능

버전 7.0.1

- iOS 18과 호환됩니다.
- 다른 작은 오류가 수정되었습니다.

평가 및 리뷰

334개의 평가

334개의 평가

Everynicknameonearthistaken!! ,

Almost Perfect

I have a very limited budget and wanted to be able to run reports so I could try and see where J could cut back so I could have money to use elsewhere. I absolutely love the variety and details of their reporting. I do wish under budgets it had an “envelope” function where you could put money into a budget without a transaction. I usually have to put pieces of my paycheck aside for different bill, but I still have the money in my account until I have saved up enough to pay the bill. It would be nice if it would let you set money aside from your account without having to be linked to an expenditure , similar to the app GoodBudget. GoodBudget lets you set aside money into an “envelope” based on money you currently have and without you needing to show it as spent right then and there. Still, this app does not charge a monthly fee (GoodBudget is about $10/mo) and the flexibility they have with reporting is phenomenal (something most apps I saw didn’t really have). You also don’t have to make an account or give access to you bank account. Plus, you can take pictures of your receipts and log them with each transaction! A feature I have only seen with this app (and I went through quite a few before purchasing this one)!

Muddblood ,

Money Monitor Review

Money Monitor is a great app to see where your money is going. It has the ability to track bills, expenses, income, and budgets. It has several reports that can be exported including income vs expenses, category report, bill report, and more. You can create custom categories and rename and delete default ones. The app also lets you set a frequency of bills, budgets and income.

I am using the free version and it is is very ad heavy. I am also having an issue with transactions being added automatically (which I am sure I setup somewhere). The app is a bit cumbersome to add a new payee, but once added very easy to search and find it. It will take some time to set the app up (i.e. Salary, bills, payees, budgets, etc) but this is expected in most apps. It doesn't have any type of bank account linking (that I've seen) so transactions on a debit or credit card still need entered manually.

Overall a great app. I've tried several others before committing to this app. This app does things many paid apps do (and paid meaning like $10/mo!). Overall, very impressed with the app and highly recommend it to track all of your finances.

Jlotp ,

Highly Functional

I had previously been using pocket expense, but they have been having syncing issues and I lost several months’ worth of data. This app had everything I needed: unlimited number of accounts, some sort of backup (I use Dropbox, but there is also an option to backup onto your desktop/laptop), and manual transaction entry. You can also email reports of transactions/budgeting history to yourself. Entering data is fairly easy, and budgets are highly customizable. You can also add spending categories as needed. I personally use tracking apps to make myself more aware of my spending, so apps like Mint that sync with your accounts automatically are pretty useless to me. It’s also much easier to add gift cards or prepaid cards on manual spending trackers. This app has a ton of features I never use, like recurring bill payments and dating transactions down to the second. I don’t find the ads particularly intrusive; they’re only a few seconds long.

Users should know that they only have 500 transactions on the free app. There is the option to export your data to the paid version once you have reached that limit. The app also does not have a calendar view of all expenses, only of recurring bills. A final very nitpicky comment: the user interface feels old and clunky.

These are extremely minor points though. Love this app!

앱이 수집하는 개인정보

倩 赵 개발자가 아래 설명된 데이터 처리 방식이 앱의 개인정보 처리방침에 포함되어 있을 수 있다고 표시했습니다. 자세한 내용은 개발자의 개인정보 처리방침을 참조하십시오.

사용자를 추적하는 데 사용되는 데이터

다음 데이터는 다른 회사가 소유한 앱 및 웹사이트를 통해 사용자를 추적하는 데 사용될 수 있습니다.

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사용자에게 연결되지 않은 데이터

다음 데이터가 수집될 수 있지만 신원에는 연결되지 않습니다.

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개인정보 처리방침은 사용하는 기능이나 사용자의 나이 등에 따라 달라질 수 있습니다. 더 알아보기

이 개발자의 앱 더 보기

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