Dodge doom from every direction!

Phoenix 2

The best space shooter


Enemies never stop firing in Phoenix 2—and neither do you! This beautiful space shooter hurls you into one ferocious dogfight after another, challenging you to dodge hundreds of missiles at a time as your lasers obliterate attackers. Supersmooth controls and a squealing-guitar soundtrack set the stage for an exhilarating game of survival. Keep moving!

What we love: The deep selection of ships. Radically different designs make every unlockable fighter feel unique. Drop Mega Bombs in the Veil, perhaps, or teleport to safety in the Hunter. Upgrades add even more flavor: With a fully boosted Mega Laser, the Arietis can quickly finish off a mission-ending mother ship.

Clear a path quickly with the Trireme’s deadly missiles and pulsar bursts.

Quick tip: When facing a large enemy squadron, resist the urge to thin the herd by destroying smaller craft first. Instead, focus your firepower on bigger ships that have multiple turrets, as their projectiles are most likely to end your run prematurely.

Meet the creator: Indie studio Firi Games was formed by longtime friends El Drijver and Tijmen Roberti, who bonded playing LAN games in high school and were inspired by the iPhone’s release to start making their own games. Their dentist was their first beta tester.