A Beginner’s Guide to LinkedIn

LinkedIn: Network & Job Finder

Connect, Apply & Get Hired


Whether youre launching your career or reevaluating it, changing your job these days usually involves LinkedIn. The job search app boasts nearly 500 million members, with more joining each day. Read on to learn how to stand out.

Show your face
‣ Here’s something you don’t hear very often: Please, please take a selfie. According to LinkedIn, profiles with a photo—even one snapped in your hallway with a three-second timer—receive 21 times more profile views and 36 times more messages than those without.

Nail the basics
‣ It seems obvious, but you have to be thorough when filling out your profile. Under “Headline,” grab a recruiter’s attention by describing yourself in a short, punchy line or two. (Instead of “Social media consultant,” try something like “I can help you master your social presence, no matter what your niche is.”)

Under “Current Position,” bolster your title (which is probably pretty standard) with a snappy description of your role to add a touch of personality and make yourself sound cooler.

As you flesh out your online résumé, choose a minimum of five skills from LinkedIn’s list of 50—there are bound to be at least that many that apply to your awesomeness. And LinkedIn reports that citing them can net you up to 17 times more profile views.

Also, be sure to fill out the “Education” section with your alma mater. Who knows, maybe your future boss sat a few bleachers away from you at your college basketball games.

Talk like a human being
‣ Phrases like “Motivated and dynamic self-starter with a proven track record of success” sound like they were written by a circa-1988 robot programmed to speak Business. Use your real voice. Recruiters are looking for humans, not synthetic-sounding clichés.

Looks like somebody’s gunning for a six-figure job!

Show your work
LinkedIn profiles can run awfully long. Oblige your audience by including links to a zingy presentation you created, a video of a conference talk, or a portfolio of your vibrant design or writing work. You’ll gain credibility, and your audience gets something to break up your text (however impressive it may be).

Alert recruiters that youre on the market
‣ Ready to put yourself out there? Go into settings, navigate to the privacy menu, and tap “Let recruiters know you’re open to new opportunities." Doing so tells them you’re waiting for their call.

Dont be a stranger
‣ Like all social media, LinkedIn thrives when users interact. Go to the home feed reasonably often to post work-related news and to comment on updates from your network.

LinkedIn also offers a way for you to check who’s been viewing your profile. Go to your profile page and scroll down to Your Dashboard to see the last five people who’ve stopped by; Premium users can see everyone from the past 90 days. And if you notice certain people or organizations popping up regularly, drop a line and say hi! With LinkedIn’s massive reach, big things can start with small taps.