Play Through Game of Thrones

Live out the final season in Game of Thrones: Conquest.

Game of Thrones: Conquest ™

Wage dragon wars. Become King.


You’ve got questions—and season 8 of Game of Thrones has answers. But rather than just sit back and watch the final act unfold, wouldn’t it be fun to play along?

Game of Thrones: Conquest lets you do just that. A few days after each episode airs (no spoilers here, friends!), the popular city-building strategy game will update its world to reflect the show’s latest twists and turns.

Take over Westeros, one battle at a time.

Did a massive battle take place? Has the political advantage shifted? Did a key character perish? (Answer: Yes, of course.) Every soap-operatic curveball and devious scheme will be in the game, from its kickoff on April 14 to the big finale on May 19.

But it’s a good idea to start amassing your armies now. Conquest lets you lead your House to greatness, building a small keep into a flourishing empire while vying for control of the seven kingdoms. And thanks to a recent update, your exploits includes dragons—big ones! But be careful to prevent them from falling into enemy hands. The Night King doesn’t need any more help.