Keep Your Code at Your Fingertips

5 ways to get more organized with SnippetsLab.


Your code at your fingertips


SnippetsLab is an easy way to store the code snippets you use most. The app helps you create a library of snippets and keeps everything impeccably organized by tagging, annotating, and grouping.

Ready to see how much faster you can work when you have a tidy database at hand? Follow these tips to get started.

Tag everything

Tagging snippets makes them much easier to find later. We recommend opening the Preferences window (SnippetsLab > Preferences > General) and enabling Always Show Tags field. Keeping the field in view makes quick work of categorizing your snippets as you add them.

Narrow your search

Want to supercharge SnippetsLab’s search field? Add “in:” to your queries and you’ll be prompted to choose a specific folder, tag, or language. This is a handy way to bring up only those snippets related to a particular project or written in Swift, for example. You can add multiple “in:” criteria to narrow your results further.

Organize snippets using folders, tags, and Smart Groups (left); access your clips from within any app using the system-wide menu (right).

Search smarter

If you find yourself frequently performing the same search, click the + button next to Smart Groups to save a smart search. This can include multiple criteria (including conditional and nested terms).

In addition to the standard criteria, Smart Groups gives you the option to search by creation and modification dates, gist status and author, and more.

Pick your language

SnippetsLab supports syntax highlighting for over 420 languages. Be sure to enable those you code in by going to SnippetsLab > Preferences > Languages.

Expert tip: When creating a new snippet, click the language pop-up at the bottom of the window and assign one. This lets you search for snippets in a particular language (see above).

Keep everything at the ready

Want to be able to access your snippets from any app? Enable the system-wide SnippetsLab Assistant menu in Preferences > Assistant. After you do, you’ll be able to click the menu and select a snippet to copy it to your clipboard. You can also click New to create and tag a new snippet. It doesn’t get much more convenient than that!