Rename 1,000 Files in 10 Seconds

Name Mangler makes quick work of file renaming.

Name Mangler 3


Have a folder of photos with seemingly random names like DSCF0184.jpg? Name Mangler makes quick work of renaming them all at once, no matter how simple or complex your preferred taxonomy may be.

Just drag all the files into the Name Mangler window to get started. Here are three of the many approaches you can take. (The examples here focus on photos, but Name Mangler works on any kind of file.)

Count ’em up

You’ve got a couple hundred photos from a recent Hawaii vacation that you want to name 2022 Hawaii Vacation 001, 2022 Hawaii Vacation 002, and so on. Like your relaxing time on the island, this one’s no sweat.

In Name Mangler’s sidebar, choose Sequence from the menu at the top. Enter “2022 Hawaii Vacation ” (including the trailing space) for your prefix and set the number of digits to 3.

Click Rename Files and—voilà!—everything is perfectly titled.

As you change your renaming settings on the right, Name Mangler’s file list shows you—in real time—how those settings will affect each file.

Add it on

Wouldn’t it be great if each image’s filename included the camera model, so you could see at a glance which were taken with a DSLR or your iPhone? Name Mangler to the rescue!

Choose Add Suffix from the menu at the top, click the plus sign button next to Suffix, then choose Image > Model. (Add a space or dash in the Suffix field to separate the existing name from the camera info.)

Get complex

Name Mangler lets you string multiple actions together too. For example, what if you want to keep the image numbers your camera assigns but remove the “DSCF” and add the client’s name?

Choose Remove from the menu at the top and set it to remove the first four characters. Then click Add Step (at the top right of the window) to append an Add Suffix action that tacks on the client name.

Build advanced series of actions to get exactly the naming scheme you want.

Add as many steps as it takes to get the perfect names: find, replace, or insert text; change case; and more. If the predefined options aren’t enough, use the app’s Name Conversion Description Language to create sophisticated custom actions, including regex. Name Mangler can handle it.