Alexa, Play Apple Podcasts

You can now listen to your favorite shows on Echo devices.

Amazon Alexa


Apple Podcasts has more than 1.5 million shows to enjoy for free. Now you can stream them all on any of Amazon’s Alexa-enabled devices.

Alexa makes playing your favorite podcasts incredibly convenient. Ask Alexa to play a show (“Alexa, play Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend on Apple Podcasts”). Alexa also makes it easy to skip ahead or jump to the next episode.

And when you start listening with Alexa, you can switch seamlessly to your iPhone, HomePod, or other Apple device once you link your Apple ID. Your episode will begin right where you left off. 

To enable the Apple Podcast Alexa skill, launch the Amazon Alexa app, go to Skills and Games, and search for Apple Podcasts.