Pick your path through an intense fantasy tale.

Game of the Gods

Text Based Choices RPG


Curses! Despite your careful planning, a wight has you cornered. The towering fiend’s blade pierces the foggy night and brings your journey to a grim end. Where did you go wrong? In Game of the Gods, it’s easy to find out!

Charged with safeguarding a priceless magic talisman, you navigate through this digital gamebook one fork at a time. Make smart choices, and your character just might live to see the end of the adventure. Choose unwisely, and it’s hello, Mr. Wight!

Attacking this foul beast costs energy. Should you try chatting it up?

Dozens of dangerous missions fill the game’s chapters. Ambushed by a relentless army of dark elves? It’s your choice whether to flee or fight. Is your party worn out after a draining march? Rest up to conserve your health and energy, or press onward to the next village—praying that no monster crosses your path.

Game of the Gods’ fantastic writing and thrilling scenes make for riveting reading. Can you reach the final page?