No signal? No problem!

Oh no, not a tunnel! I’m right in the middle of...CONNECTION PROBLEM. Oh well – the good news is that there’s plenty to keep you occupied and entertained, even when you can’t get on a network or WiFi.

Many apps and games work perfectly without needing a connection: so you can finish that game, polish that picture, watch that TV series finale or even get started on the next great work of literature – wherever you are.


They say that everybody has a book in them, and Scrivener might be just what you need to take it out of your brain and commit it to the page.

Built for writers of all kinds, whether you’re looking to lay out a sci-fi novel or construct a three-act play, you’ll find a template (and plenty of useful tools) to make it happen.


We all take a lot of photos, so getting a bit of time to go back and give your favourite shots some extra attention is always welcome.

Helping transforms your images from ‘ooh that’s nice’ to ‘OMG that should be hanging in a gallery’, VSCO gives you an amazing selection of filters and tools that will let you tweak your images and then easily export them to your social network of choice.

Amazon Prime Video

Sometimes all that doing stuff can get a little exhausting, so why not lean back, stick on an award-winning TV series and while away the time?

Prime Video allows you to download many shows and movies which means, with a little preparation, you can have a queue of series - such as The Boys, The Grand Tour or The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel to keep you entertained with or without those signal bars.

Telling Lies

The gap between video games and television is growing ever smaller, and if you want the evidence of that look no further than Telling Lies.

Can you find out what happened by combing through video footage and piecing together a fascinating story full of twists and turns? You’ll want to play it more than once just to poke into the corners you may have missed the first time around.

8 Ball Hero

Simple games that work well without needing to be connected are perfect when you have a patchy signal, and 8 Ball Hero provides you with a fiendish take on traditional pool.

Rather than play the full frame, you arrive at key points in the various matches as you progress through the rankings. Working out the best shot is a real puzzler at times, but when you sink that black you’ll be celebrating just as much as when you’re at a real table.

The Athletic

If you’re a big football fan, the problem with reading newspapers is that there just isn’t enough in-depth coverage. The Athletic has solved that problem by hiring some of the best writers on the planet to provide a veritable treasure trove of content on the beautiful game.

Fantastic stories and genuinely fresh takes make The Athletic one subscription that any football fan should consider.