Filo: Instant 1-to-1 tutoring 4+

Learning App for JEE & NEET

Filo Edtech INC

Designed for iPad

    • 4.7 • 3.2K Ratings
    • Free



Filo: The world’s only live instant tutoring app where students are connected with expert tutors in less than 60 seconds for 1-1, interactive video sessions. Filo works 24*7 and the tutors are always available to explain, help, solve, in short, do whatever it takes to assist the student in that very moment. More than 1.5 million students across 15+ countries are using Filo to clear concepts, solve problems, do revisions, examination preparation and homework. We have over 50,000+ tutors from colleges like IIT, NIT, IIIT, DTU, DU, AIIMS and many others, making us the largest community of tutors in the world.

Get online maths solutions, IIT JEE solutions, NEET solutions, NCERT solutions, CBSE solutions, physics chemistry biology solutions and much more! Video solutions for maths, physics, chemistry, biology and other subjects.

Practice mock-tests & question papers for IIT JEE, NEET, Boards and other examinations.

Why Filo is a useful application for students?

- Filo has been designed keeping in mind the different learning capabilities of individual students
- Filo has developed an ecosystem of tutors and students which is powered by technology, enabling them to have real conversations that are personalized.
- Students have to take a picture of any question, doubt or textbook paragraphs, or they can also type their question. After submitting, they will get connected to a qualified tutor within 60 seconds.
- Students get the entire explanation, steps and solution from a teacher in real-time over a video or audio call
- It is concepts and doubts clearing app where students get personalized sessions from experts over a video call
- Students can understand each and every step on the call & can cross-question till the concept is not clear
- Students can interrupt the tutor as many times as they want and get concepts cleared
- Students can improve their rank in IIT-JEE or NEET 2022 on Filo
- Learning is available 24*7
- It’s an app to connect & discuss with top IITians
- Ask questions on IIT-JEE & NTA, NEET
- Get help in Boards & Olympiad

Highlights: Free IIT JEE exam preparation, IIT JEE Main preparation, IIT JEE Advanced preparation, IIT JEE 2022, IIT JEE Guide 2022, solutions IIT previous year papers, Practice Tests. Online Maths PDF & video solutions, Maths NCERT solutions, Maths CBSE solutions for classes 6-12, previous year papers solutions and the question of the day

Study Revision and Doubt clearing.
If you are studying in class 6th-12th Filo is the best self-study app. Just post your question and an expert tutor will solve it in the best possible way.

Learn concepts and solutions in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology, English, Mental Ability from class 6th-12th, or if you want to get more advanced, easily get doubts in JEE physics, JEE maths, JEE chemistry, NEET biology, NEET physics, NEET chemistry cleared.

We cater to class 9th, 10th, 11th & 12th classes. Subjects include Maths, Science, English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology & more. Books include NCERT solutions, RD Sharma, RS Aggarwal & HC Verma

Clear your concepts on Filo anytime during the day.
- Easiest way to prepare for competitive exams (IIT Delhi, Roorkee/NEET/Boards)
- Math doubt solving app
- Physics doubt solving app
- Chemistry doubt solving app

What’s New

Version 1.2.2

Bug fixes
AI solution landings

Ratings and Reviews

4.7 out of 5
3.2K Ratings

3.2K Ratings

Manan Bhimani ,

Its is a very helpful app but it is costly too.

This app helped me a lot in my day to day work It was easy to connect to all the tutors and it is a way more helpful because it teaches you how to do your homework. And it clears your concepts too. But the only thing I see the problem is it is way too costly for me I don’t know about others but I did see it as a costly courses in this application. I think this can be worked but for me it’s very very very much hard to pay this much amount for any educational applications because it’s fee is almost around my school fee. But the overall think I would conclude a very good application As far as it is providing you free service but I guess it’s also concerned to provide if in a cheap way. The teachers salary is necessary but I think this is the way too much price. Also the teachers can be Salaried.

worst1234a ,

Worst app !!!

How can that there is still hope for improvement in Teachers This app is designed for students improvement instead of teachers For the past 3 days my doubts have not been resolved If this is a great platform for educations then why my doubts are not explained This app is not meant for neither Jee mains nor Jee advance If you can’t get qualified Teachers for Jee advance Then I want my payment back This is not a joke I have been spending more than half an hour on the same doubt and none of the tutors can solve it …which very well implies that the Teachers itself do not know the concepts Neither filo is giving me a response I’m totally dissatisfied!!! I have wasted my money and time both ..if you can’t come out with the conclusion then I want my money back or else I’ll give the actual feedback about your app I would like your back hand team to call because I don’t think that my queries and issues can be resolved by email I want a speedy response….asap
They didn’t even respond to my email …for the past three days they have been trying to fool me around

My ultimate suggestion …NEVER GO FOR THIS APP!!!!

Anujham ,

Helpful digital tutor

The UI is clean and uncluttered and the app itself is thoroughly intuitive. An ideal tutor while preparing for your exams. Expecting to see more features being added in the future. This app helps in eliminating additional efforts of browsing different websites to get correct answers. Must try and use.

App Privacy

The developer, Filo Edtech INC, indicated that the app’s privacy practices may include handling of data as described below. For more information, see the developer’s privacy policy.

Data Used to Track You

The following data may be used to track you across apps and websites owned by other companies:

  • Identifiers

Data Linked to You

The following data may be collected and linked to your identity:

  • Contact Info
  • Identifiers

Data Not Linked to You

The following data may be collected but it is not linked to your identity:

  • Location
  • Diagnostics

Privacy practices may vary based on, for example, the features you use or your age. Learn More


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