5 Resolutions You’ll Actually Keep

Ease into 2024 with a gentle mindset and sustainable goals

Have you ever made a list of ambitious resolutions, only to ditch them a few weeks later? We’ve been there too. This year, we found the best apps for sticking to New Year’s resolutions all year long. No tough love. No shame. Just a whole lot of kindness.

1. Keep fit and healthy

We’re skipping hardcore workout regimens for something we can stick to this year: a workout app that builds in time for recovery, an adorable hydration tracker that logs more than water, a tool for making sure we’re getting enough time outdoors, and a handy app that uses the sensors in AirPods to encourage good posture.

2. See how what you do affects how you feel

In the last few years, we’ve seen apps for mood tracking and habit tracking converge. When you realize how your feelings relate to your activities over time, you get valuable insights into what makes you happiest. Here are our favorite apps that highlight that relationship.

3. Take (really) good care of yourself

Self-care comes in all shapes and sizes. Connect with a virtual pet, carve out time for self-reflection, listen to the wisdom of a guided audio session, or immerse yourself in relaxing AI-generated soundscapes. There’s no wrong way to get started!

4. Stay productive all year long

Whether you want to wrangle your finances, plow through to-dos, or get your schedule under control, productivity is about more than willpower. These apps take the pressure down a notch. They’ll help you start small, then take everything one day at a time.

5. Remember the important moments

If you didn’t post a photo of an event to social media, did it actually happen? Of course it did! If you’re considering a social media break but still want to capture important moments, try the apps below. They’ll get you snapping pics while keeping everything private.

Bonus: Embrace your interests!

Resolutions are highly personal and don’t always fit the norm. These apps can help you with very specific goals, like reducing screen time, leveling up your cooking skills, reading more books, and keeping your home a little tidier.